Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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NPC/Monsters - Pet

Adventurer | Artefact | Auctioneer | BabyPet | CabaleBuffer | CastleBlacksmith | CastleChamberlain | CastleDoormen | CastleMagician | CastleTeleporter | CastleWarehouse | CastleWyvernManager | Chest | ClanHallDoormen | ClanHallManager | ClanTrader | ClassMaster | ControlTower | DawnPriest | Decoy | Defender | Doormen | DungeonGatekeeper | DuskPriest | EventChest | FameManager | FeedableBeast | FestivalGuide | FestivalMonster | Fisherman | FlameTower | FlyMinion | FlyMonster | FlyNpc | FortBallista | FortCommander | FortDoormen | FortEnvoy | FortLogistics | FortManager | FortSiegeNpc | FortSupportCaptain | FortWyvernManager | FriendlyMob | GrandBoss | GroupLeader | Guard | ManorManager | MercenaryManager | Merchant | MerchantSummon | MercManager | Minion | Monster | Npc | NpcWalker | Observation | OlympiadManager | PenaltyMonster | Pet | PetManager | RaidBoss | RiftInvader | SepulcherMonster | SepulcherNpc | SiegeNpc | SiegeSummon | SignsPriest | SymbolMaker | TamedBeast | Teleporter | TerrainObject | TerritoryWard | TownPet | Trainer | TransformManager | VillageMasterDElf | VillageMasterDwarf | VillageMasterFighter | VillageMasterKamael | VillageMasterMystic | VillageMasterOrc | VillageMasterPriest | Warehouse | XmassTree |
NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Sin Eater 15 Passive 0 0 195 9 3 125 40
Wolf 15 Passive 0 0 195 9 3 125 40
Boxer the Unicorn 22 Passive 0 0 984 82 28 154 40
Kat the Cat 22 Passive 0 0 984 82 28 132 40
Mew the Cat 22 Passive 0 0 984 74 34 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 22 Passive 0 0 984 74 34 154 40
Shadow 22 Passive 0 0 984 82 28 154 40
Silhouette 22 Passive 0 0 984 74 34 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 27 Passive 0 0 1310 124 45 154 40
Kat the Cat 27 Passive 0 0 1310 124 45 132 40
Mew the Cat 27 Passive 0 0 1310 113 54 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 27 Passive 0 0 1310 113 54 154 40
Shadow 27 Passive 0 0 1310 124 45 154 40
Silhouette 27 Passive 0 0 1310 113 54 154 40
Mechanic Golem 30 Passive 0 0 1269 131 85 165 40
Boxer the Unicorn 32 Passive 0 0 1700 186 69 154 40
Kat the Cat 32 Passive 0 0 1700 186 69 132 40
Mew the Cat 32 Passive 0 0 1700 169 83 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 32 Passive 0 0 1700 169 83 154 40
Shadow 32 Passive 0 0 1700 186 69 154 40
Silhouette 32 Passive 0 0 1700 169 83 154 40
Hatchling of the Stars 35 Passive 0 0 610 48 22 140 40
Hatchling of the Wind 35 Passive 0 0 610 48 22 140 40
Hatchling of Twilight 35 Passive 0 0 610 48 22 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 37 Passive 0 0 2155 267 104 154 40
Kat the Cat 37 Passive 0 0 2155 267 104 132 40
Mew the Cat 37 Passive 0 0 2155 242 126 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 37 Passive 0 0 2155 242 126 154 40
Shadow 37 Passive 0 0 2155 267 104 154 40
Silhouette 37 Passive 0 0 2155 242 126 154 40
Mechanic Golem 38 Passive 0 0 1862 237 163 165 40
Boxer the Unicorn 42 Passive 0 0 2673 376 152 154 40
Corrupted Man 42 Passive 0 0 2490 374 152 154 40
Dark Panther 42 Passive 0 0 1826 311 152 165 40
Kai the Cat 42 Passive 0 0 2008 413 152 198 40
Kat the Cat 42 Passive 0 0 2673 376 152 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 42 Passive 0 0 2008 376 221 198 40
Mew the Cat 42 Passive 0 0 2673 342 183 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 42 Passive 0 0 2673 342 183 154 40
Shadow 42 Passive 0 0 2673 376 152 154 40
Silhouette 42 Passive 0 0 2673 342 183 154 40
Soulless 42 Passive 0 0 2008 376 221 198 40
Mechanic Golem 45 Passive 0 0 2487 376 275 165 40
Boxer the Unicorn 46 Passive 0 0 3128 486 202 154 40
Kai the Cat 46 Passive 0 0 2351 534 202 198 40
Kat the Cat 46 Passive 0 0 3128 486 202 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 46 Passive 0 0 2351 486 295 198 40
Reanimated Man 46 Passive 0 0 2914 482 202 154 40
Shadow 46 Passive 0 0 3128 486 202 154 40
Soulless 46 Passive 0 0 2351 486 295 198 40
Mew the Cat 47 Passive 0 0 3128 441 244 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 47 Passive 0 0 3128 441 244 154 40
Silhouette 47 Passive 0 0 3128 441 244 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 50 Passive 0 0 3614 615 263 154 40
Corrupted Man 50 Passive 0 0 3367 611 264 154 40
Kai the Cat 50 Passive 0 0 2716 676 263 198 40
Kat the Cat 50 Passive 0 0 3614 615 263 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 50 Passive 0 0 2716 615 384 198 40
Mew the Cat 50 Passive 0 0 3614 559 319 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 50 Passive 0 0 3614 559 319 154 40
Shadow 50 Passive 0 0 3614 615 263 154 40
Silhouette 50 Passive 0 0 3614 559 319 154 40
Soulless 50 Passive 0 0 2716 615 384 198 40
Dark Panther 51 Passive 0 0 2555 539 281 165 40
Mechanic Golem 51 Passive 0 0 3089 539 411 165 40
Boxer the Unicorn 54 Passive 0 0 4125 768 339 154 40
Kai the Cat 54 Passive 0 0 3100 844 339 198 40
Kat the Cat 54 Passive 0 0 4125 768 339 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 54 Passive 0 0 3100 768 495 198 40
Mew the Cat 54 Passive 0 0 4125 698 410 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 54 Passive 0 0 4125 698 410 154 40
Reanimated Man 54 Passive 0 0 3843 763 339 154 40
Shadow 54 Passive 0 0 4125 768 339 154 40
Silhouette 54 Passive 0 0 4125 698 410 154 40
Soulless 54 Passive 0 0 3100 768 495 198 40
Deinonychus 55 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 120 40
Fairy Princess 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Fox Shaman 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Great Snow Wolf 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 120 40
Great Wolf 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 170 40
Great Wolf 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 120 40
Guardian's Strider 55 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 120 40
Owl Monk 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Red Star Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 60 40
Red Twilight Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 60 40
Red Wind Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 60 40
Spirit Shaman 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Star Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2728 703 360 187 40
Toy Knight 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Turtle Ascetic 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Twilight Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2728 703 360 170 40
White Weasel 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Wild Beast Fighter 55 Passive 0 0 2643 665 311 120 40
Wind Strider 55 Passive 0 0 2728 703 360 170 40
Mechanic Golem 57 Passive 0 0 3733 742 590 165 40
Boxer the Unicorn 58 Passive 0 0 4651 943 428 154 40
Corrupted Man 58 Passive 0 0 4333 937 428 154 40
Cursed Man 58 Passive 0 0 3467 1015 428 154 80
Feline Queen 58 Passive 0 0 2889 779 428 198 40
Kai the Cat 58 Passive 0 0 3496 1036 428 198 40
Kat the Cat 58 Passive 0 0 4651 943 428 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 58 Passive 0 0 3496 943 625 198 40
Mew the Cat 58 Passive 0 0 4651 857 518 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 58 Passive 0 0 4651 857 518 154 40
Nightshade 58 Passive 0 0 5778 779 428 187 40
Shadow 58 Passive 0 0 4651 943 428 154 40
Silhouette 58 Passive 0 0 4651 857 518 154 40
Soulless 58 Passive 0 0 3496 943 625 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 58 Passive 0 0 2889 779 428 154 40
Big Boom 60 Passive 0 0 3054 860 477 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 60 Passive 0 0 4917 1040 477 154 40
Dark Panther 60 Passive 0 0 3359 860 478 165 40
Feline Queen 60 Passive 0 0 3054 860 477 198 40
Kai the Cat 60 Passive 0 0 3695 1142 477 198 40
Kat the Cat 60 Passive 0 0 4917 1040 477 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 60 Passive 0 0 3695 1040 697 198 40
Mew the Cat 60 Passive 0 0 4917 946 578 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 60 Passive 0 0 4917 946 578 154 40
Nightshade 60 Passive 0 0 6109 860 477 187 40
Shadow 60 Passive 0 0 4917 1040 477 154 40
Silhouette 60 Passive 0 0 4917 946 578 154 40
Soulless 60 Passive 0 0 3695 1040 697 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 60 Passive 0 0 3054 860 477 154 40
Tigress 61 Passive 0 0 3137 894 413 170 40
Tigress 61 Passive 0 0 3137 894 413 170 40
Boxer the Unicorn 62 Passive 0 0 5183 1142 531 154 40
Cursed Man 62 Passive 0 0 3863 1227 532 154 80
Feline Queen 62 Passive 0 0 3219 944 531 198 40
Kai the Cat 62 Passive 0 0 3895 1255 531 198 40
Kat the Cat 62 Passive 0 0 5183 1142 531 132 40
Mechanic Golem 62 Passive 0 0 4282 944 775 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 62 Passive 0 0 3895 1142 775 198 40
Mew the Cat 62 Passive 0 0 5183 1038 642 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 62 Passive 0 0 5813 1038 642 154 40
Nightshade 62 Passive 0 0 6439 944 531 187 40
Reanimated Man 62 Passive 0 0 4829 1133 532 154 40
Shadow 62 Passive 0 0 5183 1142 531 154 40
Silhouette 62 Passive 0 0 5183 1038 642 154 40
Soulless 62 Passive 0 0 3895 1142 775 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 62 Passive 0 0 3219 944 531 154 40
Big Boom 64 Passive 0 0 3384 1031 588 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1248 588 154 40
Corrupted Man 64 Passive 0 0 5076 1238 589 154 40
Dark Panther 64 Passive 0 0 3722 1031 589 165 40
Feline Queen 64 Passive 0 0 3384 1031 588 198 40
Kai the Cat 64 Passive 0 0 4094 1372 588 198 40
Kat the Cat 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1248 588 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 64 Passive 0 0 4094 1248 858 198 40
Mew the Cat 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1135 711 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1134 711 154 40
Nightshade 64 Passive 0 0 6768 1031 588 187 40
Shadow 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1248 588 154 40
Silhouette 64 Passive 0 0 5448 1135 711 154 40
Soulless 64 Passive 0 0 4094 1248 858 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 64 Passive 0 0 3384 1031 588 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1357 649 154 40
Cursed Man 66 Passive 0 0 4255 1459 649 154 80
Feline Queen 66 Passive 0 0 3546 1121 649 198 40
Kai the Cat 66 Passive 0 0 4291 1491 649 198 40
Kat the Cat 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1357 649 132 40
Mechanic Golem 66 Passive 0 0 4716 1121 648 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 66 Passive 0 0 4291 1356 947 198 40
Mew the Cat 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1233 785 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1231 785 154 40
Nightshade 66 Passive 0 0 7093 1121 649 187 40
Reanimated Man 66 Passive 0 0 5319 1347 649 154 40
Shadow 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1357 649 154 40
Silhouette 66 Passive 0 0 5710 1233 785 154 40
Soulless 66 Passive 0 0 4291 1357 948 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 66 Passive 0 0 3546 1121 649 154 40
Big Boom 68 Passive 0 0 3706 1217 713 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1472 713 154 40
Corrupted Man 68 Passive 0 0 5559 1460 713 154 40
Dark Panther 68 Passive 0 0 4076 1217 713 165 40
Feline Queen 68 Passive 0 0 3706 1217 713 198 40
Kai the Cat 68 Passive 0 0 4484 1618 713 198 40
Kat the Cat 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1472 713 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 68 Passive 0 0 4484 1472 1041 198 40
Mew the Cat 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1338 862 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1338 862 140 40
Nightshade 68 Passive 0 0 7412 1217 713 187 40
Shadow 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1472 713 154 40
Silhouette 68 Passive 0 0 5967 1338 862 154 40
Soulless 68 Passive 0 0 4484 1472 1041 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 68 Passive 0 0 3706 1217 713 154 40
Baby Rudolph 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 120 40
Baby Rudolph 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 120 40
Boxer the Unicorn 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1588 779 154 40
Cursed Man 70 Passive 0 0 4634 1708 780 154 80
Deseloph 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Deseloph 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Feline Queen 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1312 779 198 40
Fenrir 70 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 120 40
Hyum 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Hyum 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Kai the Cat 70 Passive 0 0 4673 1745 779 198 40
Kat the Cat 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1588 779 132 40
Lapham 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Lapham 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Lilias 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Lilias 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Mafum 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Mafum 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Mechanic Golem 70 Passive 0 0 5136 1312 1138 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 70 Passive 0 0 4673 1587 1137 198 40
Mew the Cat 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1443 943 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1443 943 154 40
Nightshade 70 Passive 0 0 7724 1312 779 187 40
Reanimated Man 70 Passive 0 0 5793 1577 780 154 40
Rekang 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Rekang 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1303 607 180 40
Shadow 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1588 779 154 40
Silhouette 70 Passive 0 0 6218 1443 943 154 40
Snow Fenrir 70 Passive 0 0 2444 500 500 120 40
Soulless 70 Passive 0 0 4673 1588 1138 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1312 779 154 40
Wyvern 70 Passive 0 0 3862 1335 780 187 40
Big Boom 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 154 40
Corrupted Man 72 Passive 0 0 6020 1695 849 154 40
Cursed Man 72 Passive 0 0 4816 1837 849 154 80
Dark Panther 72 Passive 0 0 4414 1413 849 165 40
Feline Queen 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 198 40
Kai the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1878 848 198 40
Kat the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1708 1238 198 40
Mew the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Nightshade 72 Passive 0 0 8026 1412 848 187 40
Shadow 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 154 40
Silhouette 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Soulless 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1709 1238 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 154 40
Cursed Man 74 Passive 0 0 4990 1967 921 154 80
Feline Queen 74 Passive 0 0 4158 1511 920 198 40
Kai the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 5032 2010 920 198 40
Kat the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 132 40
Mechanic Golem 74 Passive 0 0 5531 1511 1343 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 5032 1828 1343 198 40
Mew the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Nightshade 74 Passive 0 0 8317 1511 920 187 40
Reanimated Man 74 Passive 0 0 6238 1816 921 154 40
Shadow 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 154 40
Silhouette 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Soulless 74 Passive 0 0 5032 1829 1343 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 74 Passive 0 0 4158 1511 920 154 40
Big Boom 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 154 40
Cursed Man 76 Passive 0 0 5157 2098 994 154 80
Dark Panther 76 Passive 0 0 4727 1614 994 165 40
Feline Queen 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 198 40
Kai the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 5200 2146 993 198 40
Kat the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 5200 1952 1449 198 40
Mew the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Nightshade 76 Passive 0 0 8595 1613 993 187 40
Reanimated Man 76 Passive 0 0 6446 1937 994 154 40
Shadow 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 154 40
Silhouette 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Soulless 76 Passive 0 0 5200 1952 1450 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 154 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4428 1713 1068 154 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4444 1723 1074 156 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4459 1733 1081 157 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4475 1743 1086 158 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2068 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2078 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2088 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2099 1069 154 40
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2229 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2245 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2261 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2277 1069 154 80
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1723 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1732 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1740 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1749 1069 165 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4440 1721 1071 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4476 1749 1092 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4513 1778 1113 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4550 1807 1134 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2291 1071 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2329 1092 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2368 1113 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2408 1134 198 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 132 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5890 1713 1560 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5910 1723 1568 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5931 1733 1578 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5952 1743 1586 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2084 1564 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2119 1594 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2154 1625 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2190 1656 198 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 8882 1721 1071 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 8956 1749 1092 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 9030 1778 1113 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 9105 1807 1134 187 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2068 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2078 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2088 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2099 1069 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2085 1565 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2120 1595 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2155 1626 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2191 1658 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4440 1721 1071 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4476 1749 1092 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4513 1778 1113 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4550 1807 1134 154 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4490 1764 1105 159 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4506 1774 1112 160 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4522 1784 1118 161 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4537 1794 1124 162 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2109 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2119 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2130 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2140 1069 154 40
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2293 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2309 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2325 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2341 1069 154 80
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1757 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1766 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1775 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1783 1069 165 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4587 1837 1156 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4625 1867 1178 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4663 1898 1201 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4701 1929 1224 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2448 1156 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2489 1178 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2531 1201 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2573 1224 198 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 132 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 5972 1764 1614 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 5993 1774 1624 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 6014 1784 1632 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 6035 1794 1641 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2226 1688 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2263 1721 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2301 1754 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2339 1788 198 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9181 1837 1156 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9257 1867 1178 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9334 1898 1201 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9411 1929 1224 187 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2109 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2119 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2130 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2140 1069 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2228 1690 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2265 1723 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2303 1756 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2341 1790 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4587 1837 1156 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4625 1867 1178 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4663 1898 1201 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4701 1929 1224 154 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4550 1813 1144 163 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4566 1823 1150 165 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4581 1833 1156 166 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4596 1843 1161 167 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2150 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2173 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2184 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2194 1082 154 40
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2357 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2388 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2404 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2420 1082 154 80
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1792 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1811 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1820 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1828 1082 165 40
Divine Beast 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1900 1095 165 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4740 1961 1248 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4779 1993 1272 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4818 2026 1296 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4858 2059 1321 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2616 1248 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2660 1272 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2704 1296 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2749 1321 198 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6052 1813 1671 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6072 1823 1679 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6092 1833 1688 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6112 1843 1696 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2378 1823 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2418 1858 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2458 1894 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2499 1931 198 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9489 1961 1248 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9568 1993 1272 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9647 2026 1296 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9727 2059 1321 187 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2150 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2173 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2184 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2194 1082 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2380 1825 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2420 1860 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2460 1896 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2501 1933 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4740 1961 1248 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4779 1993 1272 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4818 2026 1296 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4858 2059 1321 154 40
Big Boom 81 Passive 0 0 4608 1862 1181 168 40
Big Boom 81 Passive 0 0 4623 1872 1188 169 40
Big Boom 81 Passive 0 0 4637 1880 1194 170 40
Big Boom 81 Passive 0 0 4651 1891 1200 171 40
Boxer the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2536 1346 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2578 1372 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2621 1398 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2664 1425 154 40
Corrupted Man 81 Passive 0 0 6642 2204 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 81 Passive 0 0 6642 2215 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 81 Passive 0 0 6642 2225 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 81 Passive 0 0 6642 2236 1082 154 40
Cursed Man 81 Passive 0 0 5314 2436 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 81 Passive 0 0 5314 2452 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 81 Passive 0 0 5314 2468 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 81 Passive 0 0 5314 2484 1082 154 80
Dark Panther 81 Passive 0 0 5025 1837 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 81 Passive 0 0 5025 1846 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 81 Passive 0 0 5025 1854 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 81 Passive 0 0 5025 1863 1082 165 40
Feline King 81 Passive 0 0 6255 2827 2168 198 40
Feline King 81 Passive 0 0 6324 2890 2225 198 40
Feline King 81 Passive 0 0 6394 2955 2283 198 40
Feline Queen 81 Passive 0 0 4898 2093 1346 198 40
Feline Queen 81 Passive 0 0 4938 2128 1372 198 40
Feline Queen 81 Passive 0 0 4979 2163 1398 198 40
Feline Queen 81 Passive 0 0 5020 2199 1425 198 40
Kai the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 5928 2795 1346 198 40
Kai the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 5977 2842 1372 198 40
Kai the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 6026 2890 1398 198 40
Kai the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 6076 2938 1425 198 40
Kat the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2536 1346 132 40
Kat the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2578 1372 132 40
Kat the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2621 1398 132 40
Kat the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2664 1425 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 6255 2827 2168 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 6324 2890 2225 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 6394 2955 2283 198 40
Mechanic Golem 81 Passive 0 0 6129 1862 1724 165 40
Mechanic Golem 81 Passive 0 0 6148 1872 1735 165 40
Mechanic Golem 81 Passive 0 0 6167 1880 1744 165 40
Mechanic Golem 81 Passive 0 0 6187 1891 1752 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 5928 2541 1969 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 5977 2583 2007 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 6026 2626 2046 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 6076 2670 2086 198 40
Mew the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2306 1627 154 40
Mew the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2344 1658 154 40
Mew the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2383 1690 154 40
Mew the Cat 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2422 1723 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2306 1627 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2344 1658 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2383 1690 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2422 1723 154 40
Nightshade 81 Passive 0 0 9808 2093 1346 187 40
Nightshade 81 Passive 0 0 9889 2128 1372 187 40
Nightshade 81 Passive 0 0 9971 2163 1398 187 40
Nightshade 81 Passive 0 0 10054 2199 1425 187 40
Reanimated Man 81 Passive 0 0 7085 2204 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 81 Passive 0 0 7085 2215 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 81 Passive 0 0 7085 2225 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 81 Passive 0 0 7085 2236 1082 154 40
Shadow 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2536 1346 154 40
Shadow 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2578 1372 154 40
Shadow 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2621 1398 154 40
Shadow 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2664 1425 154 40
Silhouette 81 Passive 0 0 7894 2306 1627 154 40
Silhouette 81 Passive 0 0 7959 2344 1658 154 40
Silhouette 81 Passive 0 0 8025 2383 1690 154 40
Silhouette 81 Passive 0 0 8091 2422 1723 154 40
Soulless 81 Passive 0 0 5928 2543 1971 198 40
Soulless 81 Passive 0 0 5977 2585 2009 198 40
Soulless 81 Passive 0 0 6026 2628 2048 198 40
Soulless 81 Passive 0 0 6076 2672 2088 198 40
Spectral Lord 81 Passive 0 0 6255 2827 2168 198 40
Spectral Lord 81 Passive 0 0 6324 2890 2225 198 40
Spectral Lord 81 Passive 0 0 6394 2955 2283 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 81 Passive 0 0 4898 2093 1346 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 81 Passive 0 0 4938 2128 1372 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 81 Passive 0 0 4979 2163 1398 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 81 Passive 0 0 5020 2199 1425 154 40
Big Boom 82 Passive 0 0 4663 1910 1220 172 40
Big Boom 82 Passive 0 0 4677 1920 1225 173 40
Big Boom 82 Passive 0 0 4691 1928 1231 174 40
Big Boom 82 Passive 0 0 4705 1939 1237 176 40
Boxer the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2708 1452 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2753 1480 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2799 1509 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2845 1538 154 40
Corrupted Man 82 Passive 0 0 6642 2246 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 82 Passive 0 0 6642 2256 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 82 Passive 0 0 6642 2280 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 82 Passive 0 0 6642 2290 1095 154 40
Cursed Man 82 Passive 0 0 5314 2500 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 82 Passive 0 0 5314 2517 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 82 Passive 0 0 5314 2548 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 82 Passive 0 0 5314 2564 1095 154 80
Dark Panther 82 Passive 0 0 5025 1871 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 82 Passive 0 0 5025 1880 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 82 Passive 0 0 5025 1900 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 82 Passive 0 0 5025 1909 1095 165 40
Feline King 82 Passive 0 0 6464 3021 2343 198 40
Feline King 82 Passive 0 0 6535 3089 2404 198 40
Feline King 82 Passive 0 0 6607 3158 2467 198 40
Feline Queen 82 Passive 0 0 5061 2235 1452 198 40
Feline Queen 82 Passive 0 0 5103 2272 1480 198 40
Feline Queen 82 Passive 0 0 5145 2310 1509 198 40
Feline Queen 82 Passive 0 0 5187 2348 1538 198 40
Kai the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 6126 2987 1452 198 40
Kai the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 6176 3037 1480 198 40
Kai the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 6227 3088 1509 198 40
Kai the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 6278 3140 1538 198 40
Kat the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2708 1452 132 40
Kat the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2753 1480 132 40
Kat the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2799 1509 132 40
Kat the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2845 1538 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6464 3021 2343 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6535 3089 2404 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6607 3158 2467 198 40
Mechanic Golem 82 Passive 0 0 6203 1910 1781 165 40
Mechanic Golem 82 Passive 0 0 6221 1920 1789 165 40
Mechanic Golem 82 Passive 0 0 6239 1928 1798 165 40
Mechanic Golem 82 Passive 0 0 6258 1939 1806 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6126 2715 2127 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6176 2760 2168 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6227 2806 2210 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 6278 2853 2253 198 40
Mew the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2462 1756 154 40
Mew the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2503 1790 154 40
Mew the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2544 1825 154 40
Mew the Cat 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2586 1860 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2462 1756 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2503 1790 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2544 1825 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2586 1860 154 40
Nightshade 82 Passive 0 0 10137 2235 1452 187 40
Nightshade 82 Passive 0 0 10221 2272 1480 187 40
Nightshade 82 Passive 0 0 10306 2310 1509 187 40
Nightshade 82 Passive 0 0 10392 2348 1538 187 40
Reanimated Man 82 Passive 0 0 7085 2246 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 82 Passive 0 0 7085 2256 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 82 Passive 0 0 7085 2280 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 82 Passive 0 0 7085 2290 1095 154 40
Shadow 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2708 1452 154 40
Shadow 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2753 1480 154 40
Shadow 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2799 1509 154 40
Shadow 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2845 1538 154 40
Silhouette 82 Passive 0 0 8158 2462 1756 154 40
Silhouette 82 Passive 0 0 8226 2503 1790 154 40
Silhouette 82 Passive 0 0 8294 2544 1825 154 40
Silhouette 82 Passive 0 0 8363 2586 1860 154 40
Soulless 82 Passive 0 0 6126 2717 2129 198 40
Soulless 82 Passive 0 0 6176 2762 2170 198 40
Soulless 82 Passive 0 0 6227 2808 2212 198 40
Soulless 82 Passive 0 0 6278 2855 2255 198 40
Spectral Lord 82 Passive 0 0 6464 3021 2343 198 40
Spectral Lord 82 Passive 0 0 6535 3089 2404 198 40
Spectral Lord 82 Passive 0 0 6607 3158 2467 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 82 Passive 0 0 5061 2235 1452 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 82 Passive 0 0 5103 2272 1480 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 82 Passive 0 0 5145 2310 1509 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 82 Passive 0 0 5187 2348 1538 154 40
Big Boom 83 Passive 0 0 4716 1958 1257 177 40
Big Boom 83 Passive 0 0 4729 1966 1263 178 40
Big Boom 83 Passive 0 0 4742 1977 1269 179 40
Big Boom 83 Passive 0 0 4756 1985 1275 180 40
Boxer the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2892 1568 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2940 1598 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2989 1629 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8643 3039 1660 154 40
Corrupted Man 83 Passive 0 0 6642 2301 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 83 Passive 0 0 6642 2311 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 83 Passive 0 0 6642 2322 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 83 Passive 0 0 6642 2332 1095 154 40
Cursed Man 83 Passive 0 0 5314 2580 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 83 Passive 0 0 5314 2596 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 83 Passive 0 0 5314 2613 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 83 Passive 0 0 5314 2629 1095 154 80
Dark Panther 83 Passive 0 0 5025 1917 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 83 Passive 0 0 5025 1926 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 83 Passive 0 0 5025 1935 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 83 Passive 0 0 5025 1943 1095 165 40
Feline King 83 Passive 0 0 6680 3229 2532 198 40
Feline King 83 Passive 0 0 6754 3301 2598 198 40
Feline King 83 Passive 0 0 6828 3375 2666 198 40
Feline Queen 83 Passive 0 0 5230 2387 1568 198 40
Feline Queen 83 Passive 0 0 5273 2426 1598 198 40
Feline Queen 83 Passive 0 0 5316 2466 1629 198 40
Feline Queen 83 Passive 0 0 5360 2507 1660 198 40
Kai the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 6330 3193 1568 198 40
Kai the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 6382 3246 1598 198 40
Kai the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 6435 3300 1629 198 40
Kai the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 6488 3355 1660 198 40
Kat the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2892 1568 132 40
Kat the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2940 1598 132 40
Kat the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2989 1629 132 40
Kat the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8643 3039 1660 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6680 3229 2532 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6754 3301 2598 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6828 3375 2666 198 40
Mechanic Golem 83 Passive 0 0 6273 1958 1836 165 40
Mechanic Golem 83 Passive 0 0 6290 1966 1844 165 40
Mechanic Golem 83 Passive 0 0 6308 1977 1853 165 40
Mechanic Golem 83 Passive 0 0 6325 1985 1861 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6330 2901 2297 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6382 2949 2342 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6435 2998 2388 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 6488 3048 2435 198 40
Mew the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2629 1896 154 40
Mew the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2673 1933 154 40
Mew the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2717 1970 154 40
Mew the Cat 83 Passive 0 0 8643 2762 2008 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2629 1896 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2673 1933 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2717 1970 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 83 Passive 0 0 8643 2762 2008 154 40
Nightshade 83 Passive 0 0 10478 2387 1568 187 40
Nightshade 83 Passive 0 0 10565 2426 1598 187 40
Nightshade 83 Passive 0 0 10653 2466 1629 187 40
Nightshade 83 Passive 0 0 10741 2507 1660 187 40
Reanimated Man 83 Passive 0 0 7085 2301 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 83 Passive 0 0 7085 2311 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 83 Passive 0 0 7085 2322 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 83 Passive 0 0 7085 2332 1095 154 40
Shadow 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2892 1568 154 40
Shadow 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2940 1598 154 40
Shadow 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2989 1629 154 40
Shadow 83 Passive 0 0 8643 3039 1660 154 40
Silhouette 83 Passive 0 0 8432 2629 1896 154 40
Silhouette 83 Passive 0 0 8502 2673 1933 154 40
Silhouette 83 Passive 0 0 8572 2717 1970 154 40
Silhouette 83 Passive 0 0 8643 2762 2008 154 40
Soulless 83 Passive 0 0 6330 2903 2299 198 40
Soulless 83 Passive 0 0 6382 2952 2344 198 40
Soulless 83 Passive 0 0 6435 3001 2390 198 40
Soulless 83 Passive 0 0 6488 3051 2437 198 40
Spectral Lord 83 Passive 0 0 6680 3229 2532 198 40
Spectral Lord 83 Passive 0 0 6754 3301 2598 198 40
Spectral Lord 83 Passive 0 0 6828 3375 2666 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 83 Passive 0 0 5230 2387 1568 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 83 Passive 0 0 5273 2426 1598 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 83 Passive 0 0 5316 2466 1629 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 83 Passive 0 0 5360 2507 1660 154 40
Big Boom 84 Passive 0 0 4766 2005 1296 181 40
Big Boom 84 Passive 0 0 4779 2013 1299 182 40
Big Boom 84 Passive 0 0 4791 2024 1305 183 40
Boxer the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8715 3089 1692 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8787 3140 1725 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8860 3192 1758 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8933 3245 1792 154 40
Corrupted Man 84 Passive 0 0 6642 2343 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 84 Passive 0 0 6642 2353 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 84 Passive 0 0 6642 2363 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 84 Passive 0 0 6642 2374 1095 154 40
Cursed Man 84 Passive 0 0 5314 2645 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 84 Passive 0 0 5314 2661 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 84 Passive 0 0 5314 2678 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 84 Passive 0 0 5314 2694 1095 154 80
Dark Panther 84 Passive 0 0 5025 1952 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 84 Passive 0 0 5025 1961 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 84 Passive 0 0 5025 1969 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 84 Passive 0 0 5025 1978 1095 165 40
Feline King 84 Passive 0 0 6903 3451 2736 198 40
Feline King 84 Passive 0 0 6979 3528 2808 198 40
Feline King 84 Passive 0 0 7056 3607 2882 198 40
Feline Queen 84 Passive 0 0 5404 2548 1692 198 40
Feline Queen 84 Passive 0 0 5448 2590 1725 198 40
Feline Queen 84 Passive 0 0 5493 2633 1758 198 40
Feline Queen 84 Passive 0 0 5538 2677 1792 198 40
Kai the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 6541 3411 1692 198 40
Kai the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 6595 3468 1725 198 40
Kai the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 6649 3526 1758 198 40
Kai the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 6704 3585 1792 198 40
Kat the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8715 3089 1692 132 40
Kat the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8787 3140 1725 132 40
Kat the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8860 3192 1758 132 40
Kat the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8933 3245 1792 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6903 3451 2736 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6979 3528 2808 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 7056 3607 2882 198 40
Mechanic Golem 84 Passive 0 0 6339 2005 1892 165 40
Mechanic Golem 84 Passive 0 0 6356 2013 1897 165 40
Mechanic Golem 84 Passive 0 0 6372 2024 1906 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6541 3099 2482 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6595 3151 2530 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6649 3204 2579 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 6704 3258 2629 198 40
Mew the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8715 2808 2047 154 40
Mew the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8787 2855 2087 154 40
Mew the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8860 2902 2127 154 40
Mew the Cat 84 Passive 0 0 8933 2950 2168 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8715 2808 2047 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8787 2855 2087 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8860 2902 2127 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 84 Passive 0 0 8933 2950 2168 154 40
Nightshade 84 Passive 0 0 10830 2548 1692 187 40
Nightshade 84 Passive 0 0 10920 2590 1725 187 40
Nightshade 84 Passive 0 0 11011 2633 1758 187 40
Nightshade 84 Passive 0 0 11102 2677 1792 187 40
Reanimated Man 84 Passive 0 0 7085 2343 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 84 Passive 0 0 7085 2353 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 84 Passive 0 0 7085 2363 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 84 Passive 0 0 7085 2374 1095 154 40
Shadow 84 Passive 0 0 8715 3089 1692 154 40
Shadow 84 Passive 0 0 8787 3140 1725 154 40
Shadow 84 Passive 0 0 8860 3192 1758 154 40
Shadow 84 Passive 0 0 8933 3245 1792 154 40
Silhouette 84 Passive 0 0 8715 2808 2047 154 40
Silhouette 84 Passive 0 0 8787 2855 2087 154 40
Silhouette 84 Passive 0 0 8860 2902 2127 154 40
Silhouette 84 Passive 0 0 8933 2950 2168 154 40
Soulless 84 Passive 0 0 6541 3102 2485 198 40
Soulless 84 Passive 0 0 6595 3154 2533 198 40
Soulless 84 Passive 0 0 6649 3207 2582 198 40
Soulless 84 Passive 0 0 6704 3261 2632 198 40
Spectral Lord 84 Passive 0 0 6903 3451 2736 198 40
Spectral Lord 84 Passive 0 0 6979 3528 2808 198 40
Spectral Lord 84 Passive 0 0 7056 3607 2882 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 84 Passive 0 0 5404 2548 1692 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 84 Passive 0 0 5448 2590 1725 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 84 Passive 0 0 5493 2633 1758 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 84 Passive 0 0 5538 2677 1792 154 40
Big Boom 85 Passive 0 0 4813 2052 1332 184 40
Big Boom 85 Passive 0 0 4829 2062 1340 185 40
Big Boom 85 Passive 0 0 4845 2075 1346 187 40
Boxer the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 9007 3299 1827 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3354 1862 154 40
Corrupted Man 85 Passive 0 0 6642 2384 1095 154 40
Corrupted Man 85 Passive 0 0 6642 2395 1095 154 40
Cursed Man 85 Passive 0 0 5314 2710 1095 154 80
Cursed Man 85 Passive 0 0 5314 2726 1095 154 80
Dark Panther 85 Passive 0 0 5025 1987 1095 165 40
Dark Panther 85 Passive 0 0 5025 1995 1095 165 40
Feline King 85 Passive 0 0 7134 3688 2958 198 40
Feline Queen 85 Passive 0 0 5584 2721 1827 198 40
Feline Queen 85 Passive 0 0 5630 2766 1862 198 40
Imperial Phoenix 85 Passive 0 0 7134 3688 2958 198 40
Kai the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 6759 3645 1827 198 40
Kai the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 6815 3706 1862 198 40
Kat the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 9007 3299 1827 132 40
Kat the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3354 1862 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 7134 3688 2958 198 40
Mechanic Golem 85 Passive 0 0 6402 2052 1946 165 40
Mechanic Golem 85 Passive 0 0 6423 2062 1957 165 40
Mechanic Golem 85 Passive 0 0 6444 2075 1966 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 6759 3312 2680 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 6815 3367 2732 198 40
Mew the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 9007 2999 2210 154 40
Mew the Cat 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3049 2253 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 9007 2999 2210 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3049 2253 154 40
Nightshade 85 Passive 0 0 11194 2721 1827 187 40
Nightshade 85 Passive 0 0 11287 2766 1862 187 40
Reanimated Man 85 Passive 0 0 7085 2384 1095 154 40
Reanimated Man 85 Passive 0 0 7085 2395 1095 154 40
Shadow 85 Passive 0 0 9007 3299 1827 154 40
Shadow 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3354 1862 154 40
Silhouette 85 Passive 0 0 9007 2999 2210 154 40
Silhouette 85 Passive 0 0 9082 3049 2253 154 40
Soulless 85 Passive 0 0 6759 3316 2683 198 40
Soulless 85 Passive 0 0 6815 3372 2735 198 40
Spectral Lord 85 Passive 0 0 7134 3688 2958 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 85 Passive 0 0 5584 2721 1827 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 85 Passive 0 0 5630 2766 1862 154 40

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