Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Beleth's Seer Sephia

Beleth's Seer Sephia (55)   Locate Beleth's Seer Sephia on the map Location

Dark Attack (1)
Unleashes a dark attack. HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Raid Boss (1)
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss - Level 55 (1)
A woman who bargained with the Devil Beleth for power. Thanks to Beleth's teaching, she gained the power of a powerful mystic. Now, she searches for Beleth's historical site supposedly hidden somewhere underground in the south Gludio Wasteland, and prepares a secret ritual to resurrect him. Resist Dark Attack (5)
Resistant to dark attacks. Resist Full Magic Attack (1) Hold (5)
You are immobilized, as if rooted to the ground by an unseen force. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Demons (9)
This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. One-handed Sword (3)
Standard Type (2)

Passive female, Exp: 2477107, SP: 327038, HP: 189660, P.Atk: 872, M.Atk: 137, RunSpd: 250, Atk.Range: 40

Minions: Soul Drinker (54) (3-3) Locate Soul Drinker on the map  |  Sephia's Salve (54) (1-1) Locate Sephia's Salve on the map
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Arthro Nail BladeArthro Nail Blade (12-36) - 24.16%
Avadon Circlet PatternAvadon Circlet Pattern (23-67) - 16.85%
Avadon Shield FragmentAvadon Shield Fragment (60-180) - 9.71%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B) - 1/107
Destruction TombstoneDestruction Tombstone (1-4) - 75.00%
Greater Dye Of CON <Con+4 Str-4>Greater Dye Of CON <Con+4 Str-4> - 45.22%
Greater Dye Of STR <Str+4 Con-4>Greater Dye Of STR <Str+4 Con-4> (1-3) - 22.65%
Greater Dye Of STR <Str+4 Dex-4>Greater Dye Of STR <Str+4 Dex-4> (2-4) - 15.10%
Memento MoriMemento Mori (1-4) - 75.00%
Memento Mori: B-GradeMemento Mori: B-Grade - 25.00%
Zubei's Helmet DesignZubei's Helmet Design (192-576) - 1.98%
Zubei's Shield FragmentZubei's Shield Fragment (116-346) - 4.24%
Arthro NailArthro Nail 891 (B) 3.03%
Avadon ShieldAvadon Shield 56 (B) 8.06%
Zubei's ShieldZubei's Shield 56 (B) 8.06%
Avadon CircletAvadon Circlet 80 (B) 5.64%
Zubei's HelmetZubei's Helmet 80 (B) 5.64%

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