Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Scarlet Van Halisha

Scarlet Van Halisha (85)   Locate Scarlet van Halisha on the map Location

Bare Hands (1)
HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Resist Bow/Crossbow Weapons (4)
Resistant to Bow/Crossbow attacks. Resist Full Magic Attack (1) Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Demons (9)
This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. Frintezza Critical Power (1) Standard Type (2)

Passive male, Exp: 111550355, SP: 9525390, HP: 1155000, P.Atk: 9783, M.Atk: 9978, RunSpd: 110, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (3016667-3620000) - 100.00%
AdenaAdena (9000000-11000000) - 100.00%
AdenaAdena (9000000-11000000) - 100.00%
AdenaAdena (3016667-3620000) - 100.00%
AdenaAdena (3016667-3620000) - 100.00%
AdenaAdena (3016667-3620000) - 100.00%
Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Manuscript)Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) (6-25) - 100.00%
Blessed Scroll Of EscapeBlessed Scroll Of Escape (1-30) - 100.00%
Blessed Scroll Of ResurrectionBlessed Scroll Of Resurrection (1-10) - 100.00%
Forgotten Scroll - Arrow RainForgotten Scroll - Arrow Rain - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Exciting AdventureForgotten Scroll - Exciting Adventure - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak PointForgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Flame ArmorForgotten Scroll - Flame Armor - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Ghost PiercingForgotten Scroll - Ghost Piercing - 4.35%
Forgotten Scroll - Ghost WalkingForgotten Scroll - Ghost Walking - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Lightning ShockForgotten Scroll - Lightning Shock - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Lord Of VampireForgotten Scroll - Lord Of Vampire - 6.25%
Forgotten Scroll - Mutual ResponseForgotten Scroll - Mutual Response - 4.35%
Forgotten Scroll - Pain Of Shilen / Spirit Of ShilenForgotten Scroll - Pain Of Shilen / Spirit Of Shilen - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Protection Of AlignmentForgotten Scroll - Protection Of Alignment - 33.33%
Forgotten Scroll - Protection Of ElementalForgotten Scroll - Protection Of Elemental - 33.33%
Forgotten Scroll - Protection Of RuneForgotten Scroll - Protection Of Rune - 33.33%
Forgotten Scroll - Seal Of LimitForgotten Scroll - Seal Of Limit - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Spirit Of Phoenix/Flame IconForgotten Scroll - Spirit Of Phoenix/Flame Icon - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Sublime Self SacrificeForgotten Scroll - Sublime Self Sacrifice - 4.35%
Forgotten Scroll - Vampiric MistForgotten Scroll - Vampiric Mist - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Wild ShotForgotten Scroll - Wild Shot - 2.13%
Forgotten Scroll - Wind RidingForgotten Scroll - Wind Riding - 4.35%
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 70High-Grade Life Stone: Level 70 (2-4) - 45.00%
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 76High-Grade Life Stone: Level 76 (2-4) - 40.00%
Sealed Holy Spirit's CloakSealed Holy Spirit's Cloak (1-2) - 70.00%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 70Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 70 (1-2) - 10.00%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 76Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 76 (1-2) - 5.00%
Angel SlayerAngel Slayer 2052 (S) 4.00%
Arcana MaceArcana Mace 2052 (S) 4.00%
Basalt BattlehammerBasalt Battlehammer 2052 (S) 3.60%
Blood TornadoBlood Tornado 1128 (A) 10.00%
Bloody OrchidBloody Orchid 1128 (A) 10.00%
Branch Of The Mother TreeBranch Of The Mother Tree 1659 (A) 6.00%
Carnage BowCarnage Bow 1128 (A) 10.00%
Dark Legion's EdgeDark Legion's Edge 1659 (A) 7.50%
Dasparion's StaffDasparion's Staff 1128 (A) 10.00%
Demon SplinterDemon Splinter 2052 (S) 4.00%
Draconic BowDraconic Bow 2052 (S) 4.00%
Dragon GrinderDragon Grinder 1659 (A) 6.00%
Dragon Hunter AxeDragon Hunter Axe 2052 (S) 3.60%
Dragon SlayerDragon Slayer 1659 (A) 7.50%
Elemental SwordElemental Sword 1128 (A) 10.00%
ElysianElysian 1659 (A) 7.50%
Forgotten BladeForgotten Blade 2052 (S) 3.60%
HalberdHalberd 1128 (A) 10.00%
Heaven's DividerHeaven's Divider 2052 (S) 3.60%
Imperial StaffImperial Staff 2052 (S) 4.00%
Meteor ShowerMeteor Shower 1128 (A) 10.00%
Saint SpearSaint Spear 2052 (S) 3.60%
Sealed Dark Crystal ShieldSealed Dark Crystal Shield 75 (A) 25.00%
Sealed Imperial Crusader ShieldSealed Imperial Crusader Shield 161 (S) 10.00%
Sealed Shield Of NightmareSealed Shield Of Nightmare 114 (A) 15.00%
Soul BowSoul Bow 1659 (A) 6.00%
Soul SeparatorSoul Separator 1659 (A) 6.00%
Sword Of MiraclesSword Of Miracles 1659 (A) 7.50%
Tallum BladeTallum Blade 1128 (A) 10.00%
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's EdgeTallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge 2052 (S) 2.00%
Tallum GlaiveTallum Glaive 1659 (A) 6.00%
Frintezza's NecklaceFrintezza's Necklace 230 (A) 100.00%
Sealed Armor Of NightmareSealed Armor Of Nightmare 704 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Boots Of NightmareSealed Boots Of Nightmare 108 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal BootsSealed Dark Crystal Boots 71 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal BreastplateSealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 285 (A) 21.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal GaitersSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 178 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal GlovesSealed Dark Crystal Gloves 71 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal HelmetSealed Dark Crystal Helmet 107 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather ArmorSealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor 214 (A) 18.00%
Sealed Dark Crystal LeggingsSealed Dark Crystal Leggings 134 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Dark Crystal RobeSealed Dark Crystal Robe 347 (A) 10.80%
Sealed Draconic Leather ArmorSealed Draconic Leather Armor 748 (S) 10.00%
Sealed Draconic Leather BootsSealed Draconic Leather Boots 153 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Draconic Leather GloveSealed Draconic Leather Glove 153 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Draconic Leather HelmetSealed Draconic Leather Helmet 230 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Gauntlets Of NightmareSealed Gauntlets Of Nightmare 108 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Helm Of NightmareSealed Helm Of Nightmare 163 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Imperial Crusader BootsSealed Imperial Crusader Boots 153 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader BreastplateSealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate 613 (S) 10.00%
Sealed Imperial Crusader GaitersSealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters 383 (S) 10.00%
Sealed Imperial Crusader GauntletSealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet 153 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader HelmetSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 230 (S) 13.20%
Sealed Leather Armor Of NightmareSealed Leather Armor Of Nightmare 528 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Majestic BootsSealed Majestic Boots 108 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Majestic CircletSealed Majestic Circlet 163 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Majestic EarringSealed Majestic Earring 120 (A) 18.00%
Sealed Majestic GauntletsSealed Majestic Gauntlets 108 (A) 10.00%
Sealed Majestic Leather ArmorSealed Majestic Leather Armor 528 (A) 10.20%
Sealed Majestic NecklaceSealed Majestic Necklace 160 (A) 21.00%
Sealed Majestic Plate ArmorSealed Majestic Plate Armor 704 (A) 6.00%
Sealed Majestic RingSealed Majestic Ring 80 (A) 21.00%
Sealed Majestic RobeSealed Majestic Robe 528 (A) 10.20%
Sealed Major Arcana BootsSealed Major Arcana Boots 153 (S) 13.60%
Sealed Major Arcana CircletSealed Major Arcana Circlet 230 (S) 13.60%
Sealed Major Arcana GloveSealed Major Arcana Glove 153 (S) 13.60%
Sealed Major Arcana RobeSealed Major Arcana Robe 748 (S) 10.00%
Sealed Nightmare RobeSealed Nightmare Robe 528 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Phoenix EarringSealed Phoenix Earring 80 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Phoenix NecklaceSealed Phoenix Necklace 107 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Phoenix RingSealed Phoenix Ring 54 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Tallum BootsSealed Tallum Boots 71 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Tallum GlovesSealed Tallum Gloves 71 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Tallum HelmetSealed Tallum Helmet 107 (A) 15.00%
Sealed Tallum Leather ArmorSealed Tallum Leather Armor 347 (A) 10.80%
Sealed Tallum Plate ArmorSealed Tallum Plate Armor 463 (A) 12.00%
Sealed Tallum StockingsSealed Tallum Stockings 134 (A) 17.50%
Sealed Tallum TunicSealed Tallum Tunic 214 (A) 21.00%
Sealed Tateossian EarringSealed Tateossian Earring 157 (S) 14.00%
Sealed Tateossian NecklaceSealed Tateossian Necklace 209 (S) 14.00%
Sealed Tateossian RingSealed Tateossian Ring 105 (S) 12.00%

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