Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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L2 Clan Skills

Skill Name (Level) Item Rep. Cost Description
Clan Level 5
Clan ImperiumClan Imperium (1) Destruction Tombstone 0 Grants the privilege of Command Channel formation. It only effects Sage / Elder class and above
Clan LifebloodClan Lifeblood (1) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 1500 Increases the clan members HP regeneration. Only affects Heir class and above
Clan Magic ProtectionClan Magic Protection (1) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 1500 Increases clan members M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan VitalityClan Vitality (1) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 1500 Increases clan members Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan Level 6
Clan AegisClan Aegis (1) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 3000 Increases clan members P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Knight class or higher
Clan MightClan Might (1) 10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 3000 Increases the clan members P. Atk. Only affects Knight class and above
Clan MoraleClan Morale (1) 10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade 2600 Increases the clan members CP regeneration. Only affects Elder class and above
Clan Shield BoostClan Shield Boost (1) 10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 2100 Increases clan members Shield P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher
Clan SpiritualityClan Spirituality (1) 10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade 2100 Increases clan members Max CP. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher
Clan Level 7
Clan AegisClan Aegis (2) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 6500 Increases clan members P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Knight class or higher
Clan Cyclonic ResistanceClan Cyclonic Resistance (1) Destruction Tombstone 5100 Increases clan members resistance to water and wind attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan FortitudeClan Fortitude (1) Destruction Tombstone 5100 Increases the clan members resistance to shock attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan FreedomClan Freedom (1) Destruction Tombstone 5100 Increases the clan members resistance to hold attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan GuidanceClan Guidance (1) 10 Memento Mori: A-Grade 5600 Increases the clan members Accuracy. Only affects Baron class and above
Clan LifebloodClan Lifeblood (2) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 6900 Increases the clan members HP regeneration. Only affects Heir class and above
Clan LuckClan Luck (1) Cradle of Creation 6900 Decreases Exp. loss and the chance of other death penalties when killed by a monster or player. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan Magic ProtectionClan Magic Protection (2) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 6900 Increases clan members M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan Magmatic ResistanceClan Magmatic Resistance (1) Destruction Tombstone 5100 Increase clan members resistance to fire/earth attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan MightClan Might (2) 10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 6500 Increases the clan members P. Atk. Only affects Knight class and above
Clan SpiritualityClan Spirituality (2) 10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade 5600 Increases clan members Max CP. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher
Clan VigilanceClan Vigilance (1) Destruction Tombstone 5100 Increases the clan members resistance to sleep attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan VitalityClan Vitality (2) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 6900 Increases clan members Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan Withstand-AttackClan Withstand-Attack (1) 10 Memento Mori: A-Grade 5100 Increases clan members Shield defense probability. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan Level 8
Clan AegisClan Aegis (3) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 13000 Increases clan members P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Knight class or higher
Clan AgilityClan Agility (1) 10 Memento Mori: A-Grade 12000 Increases the clan members Evasion. Only affects Baron class and above
Clan ClarityClan Clarity (1) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 11700 Increases the clan members MP regeneration. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan Cyclonic ResistanceClan Cyclonic Resistance (2) Destruction Tombstone 12000 Increases clan members resistance to water and wind attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan EmpowermentClan Empowerment (1) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 11700 Increases clan members M. Atk. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan EssenceClan Essence (1) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 11700 Increases clan members Max MP. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan FortitudeClan Fortitude (2) Destruction Tombstone 12000 Increases the clan members resistance to shock attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan FreedomClan Freedom (2) Destruction Tombstone 12000 Increases the clan members resistance to hold attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan GuidanceClan Guidance (2) 10 Memento Mori: A-Grade 12000 Increases the clan members Accuracy. Only affects Baron class and above
Clan LuckClan Luck (2) Cradle of Creation 14000 Decreases Exp. loss and the chance of other death penalties when killed by a monster or player. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher
Clan Magmatic ResistanceClan Magmatic Resistance (2) Destruction Tombstone 12000 Increase clan members resistance to fire/earth attacks. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan MarchClan March (1) Cradle of Creation 11400 Increases clan members Speed. It only effects those who are of a Count class or higher
Clan MightClan Might (3) 10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 13000 Increases the clan members P. Atk. Only affects Knight class and above
Clan MoraleClan Morale (2) 10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade 13000 Increases the clan members CP regeneration. Only affects Elder class and above
Clan Shield BoostClan Shield Boost (2) 10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 12000 Increases clan members Shield P. Def. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher
Clan SpiritualityClan Spirituality (3) 10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade 12000 Increases clan members Max CP. It only effects those who are of a Baron class or higher
Clan VigilanceClan Vigilance (2) Destruction Tombstone 12000 Increases the clan members resistance to sleep attacks. Only affects Viscount class and above
Clan Withstand-AttackClan Withstand-Attack (2) 10 Memento Mori: A-Grade 12000 Increases clan members Shield defense probability. It only effects those who are of a Viscount class or higher
Clan Level 11
Clan LifebloodClan Lifeblood (3) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 13200 A clan member's HP recovery bonus increases by 6%. Effect applies after member level.
Clan Magic ProtectionClan Magic Protection (3) 10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade 13200 A clan member's M. Def. increases by 12%. Effect applies after member level.
Clan VitalityClan Vitality (3) 10 Earth Egg: A-Grade 13200 A clan member's Max HP increases by 6%. Effect applies after member level.

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