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Greater Dye Of MEN <Men+3 Int-3> (recipe 100%) Type: Dye Greater Dye of MEN [Men+3 Int-3]. Collect and take 10 units of this type of magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities tatooed onto your body. Can be used by the Wizard class after completion of their |
NPC Name | Type | Quantity | Chance |
Drop | |||
Dread Avenger Kraven (44) | Passive | 2-6 | 14.04% |
Shacram (45) | Passive | 2-6 | 14.60% |
Timak Orc Gosmos (45) | Passive | 2-6 | 14.60% |
Necrosentinel Royal Guard (47) | Passive | 2-6 | 15.84% |
Katu Van Leader Atui (49) | Passive | 2-6 | 17.05% |
Lost Captain (49) | Passive | 2-6 | 29.69% |
Dark Lord (50) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/3759 |
Deprive (50) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/10309 |
Headless Knight (50) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/9524 |
Messenger Of Fairy Queen Berun (50) | Passive | 2-6 | 26.34% |
Vanor Silenos Chieftain (50) | Passive | 1 | 1/4484 |
Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion (50) | Passive | 2-6 | 16.61% |
Elder Tarlk Basilisk (51) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/11236 |
Harit Lizardman Grunt (51) | Passive | 1 | 1/7246 |
Kaim Vanul (51) | Passive | 1 | 1/7299 |
Kaim Vanul (51) | Passive | 1 | 1/5155 |
Kaim Vanul (51) | Passive | 1 | 1/9901 |
Grave Robber Kim (52) | Passive | 2-6 | 16.56% |
Hunter Gargoyle (52) | Passive | 1 | 1/7813 |
Liele Elder (52) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/5208 |
Taik Orc Seeker (52) | Passive | 1 | 1/7519 |
Spoil | |||
Liele Elder (52) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/150 |