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Greater Dye Of STR <Str+4 Dex-4> (recipe 100%) Type: Dye Greater Dye of STR [Str+4 Dex-4]. Collect and take 10 units of this type of magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities tatooed onto your body. Can be used by all classes after completion of their secon |
NPC Name | Type | Quantity | Chance |
Drop | |||
Atraiban (53) | Passive | 2-4 | 25.63% |
Dark Shaman Varangka (53) | Aggressive | 2-4 | 14.16% |
Beleth's Seer Sephia (55) | Passive | 2-4 | 15.10% |
Eva's Spirit Niniel (55) | Passive | 2-4 | 15.10% |
Anakazel (58) | Passive | 1 | 34.69% |
Lord Ishka (60) | Passive | 2-4 | 17.43% |
Cave Beast (61) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/5128 |
Bloody Knight (73) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/1965 |
Spoil | |||
Hell Keeper Medusa (58) | Aggressive | 1 | 1/143 |
Lost Iron Golem (58) | Passive | 1 | 1/364 |
Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier (60) | Passive | 1 | 1/142 |