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Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Language Version) Type: None Restores forgotten abilities. This book was published by ancient scholars for research purposes. It contains more information than the modern language version. (Can only be used by characters level 61 or higher.) |
NPC Name | Type | Quantity | Chance |
Drop | |||
Last Titan Utenus (66) | Passive | 1 | 50.00% |
Anakazel (68) | Passive | 1 | 50.00% |
Bloody Priest Rudelto (69) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Spirit Of Andras The Betrayer (69) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Beast Lord Behemoth (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Fafurion's Herald Lokness (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Flame Of Splendor Barakiel (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Korim (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Meanas Anor (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Palibati Queen Themis (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Roaring Skylancer (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Shilen's Messenger Cabrio (70) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Eilhalder Von Hellmann (71) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Immortal Savior Mardil (71) | Passive | 1 | 52.00% |
Doom Blade Tanatos (72) | Passive | 1 | 54.00% |
Vanor Chief Kandra (72) | Passive | 1 | 54.00% |
Water Dragon Seer Sheshark (72) | Passive | 1 | 54.00% |
Death Lord Hallate (73) | Passive | 1 | 56.00% |
Antharas Priest Cloe (74) | Passive | 1 | 56.00% |
Icicle Emperor Bumbalump (74) | Passive | 1 | 56.00% |
Krokian Padisha Sobekk (74) | Passive | 1 | 56.00% |