Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Heavy War Axe

Heavy War Axe Heavy War Axe (crystals: 891 B) (recipe 100%) (recipe 60%

Type: Blunt, P.Atk/Def: 175, M.Atk/Def: 91
Bestows either Anger, Health, or Rsk. Focus.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Carnage Lord Gato (50) Locate Carnage Lord Gato on the map Passive 1 1.38%
Grave Robber Kim (52) Locate Grave Robber Kim on the map Passive 1 1.38%
Eva's Spirit Niniel (55) Locate Eva's Spirit Niniel on the map Passive 1 1.52%
Sorcerer Isirr (55) Locate Sorcerer Isirr on the map Passive 1 1.52%
Ice Tarantula (57) Locate Ice Tarantula on the map Passive 1 1/125000
Frost Tarantula (58) Locate Frost Tarantula on the map Passive 1 1/200000
Luminun (58) Locate Luminun on the map Passive 1 1/333333
Forbidden Path Invader Priest (60) Passive 1 1/142857
Sepulcher Guardian (60) Locate Sepulcher Guardian on the map Passive 1 1/90909
Zaken (60) Locate Zaken on the map Passive 1 1.20%
Doom Guard (61) Locate Doom Guard on the map Passive 1 1/250000
Dark Shaman Varangka (53) Aggressive 1 1/141
Ancient Gargoyle (56) Locate Ancient Gargoyle on the map Aggressive 1 1/250000
Seer Of Hallate (60) Locate Seer of Hallate on the map Aggressive 1 1/90909

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