Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Fline Elder

Fline Elder (51)   Locate Fline Elder on the map Location

Earth Attack Weak Point (1)
Vulnerable to earth attacks. MP Increase (1x) (1)
Resist Wind (5)
Resistant to Wind attacks. HP Increase (2x) (10)
NPC Windstrike (5) One-handed Sword (3)
Slightly Strong M. Atk. (12)
Slightly Strong P. Atk. (12)
Slightly Weak M. Def. (10)
Slightly Weak P. Def. (10)
Spirits (7)
They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings.  They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth. Standard Type (2)

Passive female, Exp: 8443, SP: 644, HP: 1470, P.Atk: 446, M.Atk: 309, RunSpd: 158, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (1117-2270) - 70.00%
AsofeAsofe - 1/283
Battle Manual - Shadow BindBattle Manual - Shadow Bind - 1/187
Battle Manual - TemptationBattle Manual - Temptation - 1/149
CoalCoal - 10.61%
Dark Screamer EdgeDark Screamer Edge - 1/629
Grace Dagger EdgeGrace Dagger Edge - 1/629
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/13514
Life Stone: Level 52Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/339
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 52Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/1359
Mold GlueMold Glue - 1/283
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore - 1/141
Recipe: Full Plate BootsRecipe: Full Plate Boots (view) - 1/337
Recipe: Maestro Mold (100%)Recipe: Maestro Mold (100%) (view) - 1/212
Spellbook: Blessed BodySpellbook: Blessed Body - 1.24%
Spellbook: Magic BarrierSpellbook: Magic Barrier - 1.24%
Spellbook: Servitor HasteSpellbook: Servitor Haste - 1.24%
Spellbook: Servitor Magic ShieldSpellbook: Servitor Magic Shield - 1.24%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 52Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/66667
VarnishVarnish - 10.61%
Dark ScreamerDark Screamer 1322 (C) 1/55556
Grace DaggerGrace Dagger 1322 (C) 1/55556
Crafted LeatherCrafted Leather - 1/10
Recipe: Deadman's StaffRecipe: Deadman's Staff (view) - 1/217
Sword Of Whispering Death BladeSword Of Whispering Death Blade - 1/65

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