Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Farhite Lad

Farhite Lad (44)   Locate Farhite Lad on the map Location

MP Increase (1x) (1)
Decrease Speed (4)
Instantly reduces Speed. Effect 2. Blunt Weapons (5)
HP Increase (2x) (10)
Humanoids (6)
They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Light Armor Type (3)
Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. NPC Aura Burn - Magic (4) NPC Heal (4) Slightly Strong M. Atk. (12)
Slightly Strong P. Atk. (12)
Slightly Weak M. Def. (10)
Slightly Weak P. Def. (10)

Passive male, Exp: 6761, SP: 463, HP: 1139, P.Atk: 293, M.Atk: 199, RunSpd: 158, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (885-1813) - 70.00%
CharcoalCharcoal - 8.17%
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede - 1/147
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 46High-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/12195
Karmian Stocking DesignKarmian Stocking Design - 1.41%
Karmian Tunic PatternKarmian Tunic Pattern - 1/118
Life Stone: Level 46Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/306
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener - 1/306
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 46Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/1224
Recipe: Demon's StockingsRecipe: Demon's Stockings (view) - 1/563
Recipe: KatanaRecipe: Katana (view) - 1/3509
Recipe: Rind Leather GaitersRecipe: Rind Leather Gaiters (view) - 1/370
Recipe: StilettoRecipe: Stiletto (view) - 1/3509
Scroll Of ResurrectionScroll Of Resurrection - 1/122
SuedeSuede - 5.45%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 46Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/62500
Karmian StockingsKarmian Stockings 73 (C) 1/3425
Karmian TunicKarmian Tunic 116 (C) 1/5464
Aquastone Necklace ChainAquastone Necklace Chain - 1/6
Moonstone Earring WireMoonstone Earring Wire - 1/5
Recipe: Ring Of ProtectionRecipe: Ring Of Protection (view) - 1/6

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