Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Platinum Tribe Archer

Platinum Tribe Archer (68)   Locate Platinum Tribe Archer on the map Location

Critical Chance (1)
Increased critical attack rate. Damage Shield (1)
Reflects back a portion of damage inflicted by an enemy P. Atk. MP Increase (1x) (1)
Angels (8)
These creatures of the heavenly realm or the race posses sacred blessings and were originally creatures of the spirits of light. In some very rare cases, angels can manifest the gods' will in reality. Bows (9)
HP Increase (3x) (11)
Light Armor Type (3)
Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. NPC Bow Attack (6) Slightly Strong M. Atk. (12)
Slightly Strong P. Atk. (12)
Slightly Weak M. Def. (10)
Slightly Weak P. Def. (10)

Aggressive male, Exp: 27541, SP: 2660, HP: 2346, P.Atk: 1006, M.Atk: 695, RunSpd: 160, Atk.Range: 1100
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (3245-6597) - 70.00%
Animal BoneAnimal Bone (1-3) - 13.46%
Animal SkinAnimal Skin - 26.92%
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder - 2.69%
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6 - 3.37%
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 67High-Grade Life Stone: Level 67 - 1/17857
Life Stone: Level 67Life Stone: Level 67 - 1/446
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 67Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 67 - 1/1783
Mold HardenerMold Hardener - 1/569
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot ARecipe: Blessed Spiritshot A (view) - 1/3717
Recipe: Doom Shield (60%)Recipe: Doom Shield (60%) (view) - 1/418
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate PatternSealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern - 1/384
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters PatternSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern - 1/251
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor PatternSealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern - 1/544
Stone Of PurityStone Of Purity - 1.35%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 67Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 67 - 1/90909
Sealed Dark Crystal BreastplateSealed Dark Crystal Breastplate 285 (A) 1/43478
Sealed Dark Crystal GaitersSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters 178 (A) 1/27778
Sealed Tallum Plate ArmorSealed Tallum Plate Armor 463 (A) 1/71429
Mold HardenerMold Hardener - 1/14
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor PatternSealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern - 1/14

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