Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Luminun (58)   Locate Luminun on the map Location

Critical Power (1)
Provides powerful critical attack capability. MP Increase (1x) (1)
Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Blunt Weapons (5)
Giants (11)
They were the rulers of the world during the Gods' Age.  They have a similar appearance as humanoids and are 2-3 times bigger than humanoids. They once had a highly civilized culture, but they've devolved so that they act upon their instincts lots of times. HP Increase (1/2x) (9)
NPC Strike (5) Standard Type (2)

Passive male, Exp: 5220, SP: 440, HP: 1828, P.Atk: 646, M.Atk: 447, RunSpd: 174, Atk.Range: 40

Group leader: Innersen (60) Locate Innersen on the map
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (697-1420) - 70.00%
CharcoalCharcoal - 4.34%
Heavy War Axe HeadHeavy War Axe Head - 1/1340
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede - 1/276
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 58High-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/45455
Life Stone: Level 58Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/1151
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener - 1/575
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 58Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/4608
Mold HardenerMold Hardener - 1/2646
Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (100%)Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (100%) (view) - 1/2786
Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%)Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%) (view) - 1/1852
Recipe: Earrings Of Black Ore (100%)Recipe: Earrings Of Black Ore (100%) (view) - 1/2128
Sprite's Staff HeadSprite's Staff Head - 1/1362
SuedeSuede - 2.90%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 58Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/250000
Common Item - Heavy War AxeCommon Item - Heavy War Axe 47 (B) 1/13333
Common Item - Sprite's StaffCommon Item - Sprite's Staff 47 (B) 1/13333
Heavy War AxeHeavy War Axe 891 (B) 1/333333
Sprite's StaffSprite's Staff 891 (B) 1/333333
Mold HardenerMold Hardener - 1/65
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B) - 1/1416
SuedeSuede (1-3) - 1/2

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