Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Dimension Invader Elite Soldier

Dimension Invader Elite Soldier (45)

Dark Attack (1)
Unleashes a dark attack. MP Increase (1x) (1)
Sacred Attack Weak Point (2)
Vulnerable to sacred attacks. Undead (1)
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids. HP Increase (6x) (14)
NPC Sonic Blaster (4) One-handed Sword (3)
Slightly Strong M. Atk. (13)
Slightly Strong P. Atk. (13)
Slightly Weak M. Def. (9)
Slightly Weak P. Def. (9)
Standard Type (2)

Aggressive male, Exp: 15501, SP: 1078, HP: 1184, P.Atk: 313, M.Atk: 212, RunSpd: 165, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (2041-4146) - 70.00%
Chain Hood PatternChain Hood Pattern - 2.98%
Chain Shield FragmentChain Shield Fragment - 3.28%
Eldarake TemperEldarake Temper - 3.28%
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 46High-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/2457
Life Stone: Level 46Life Stone: Level 46 - 1.63%
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 46Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/246
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)Scroll: Enchant Armor (C) - 1/185
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) - 1/1353
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 46Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 46 - 1/12346
Chain ShieldChain Shield 41 (C) 1/1255
EldarakeEldarake 41 (C) 1/1255
Chain HoodChain Hood 58 (C) 1/1792
Recipe: Earring Of ProtectionRecipe: Earring Of Protection (view) - 1/4
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C)Scroll: Enchant Armor (C) - 1/15
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) - 1/107

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