Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Purgatory Invader Priest

Purgatory Invader Priest (50)

Dark Attack (1)
Unleashes a dark attack. MP Increase (1x) (1)
Resist Dark Attack (5)
Resistant to dark attacks. Resist Sleep Attacks (3)
Resistant to Sleep attacks. Sacred Attack Weak Point (1)
Vulnerable to sacred attacks. Sleep (5)
You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Blunt Weapons (5)
Demons (9)
This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. Extremely Strong M. Def. (18)
HP Increase (2x) (10)
Light Armor Type (3)
Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. NPC Heal (5)

Passive female, Exp: 8396, SP: 633, HP: 1421, P.Atk: 421, M.Atk: 286, RunSpd: 165, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget - 1/295
AdenaAdena (893-1815) - 70.00%
CharcoalCharcoal - 8.48%
Composite Boots PartComposite Boots Part - 1.37%
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion - 1.89%
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52High-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/16949
Life Stone: Level 52Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/424
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 52Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/1698
Mithril Gauntlets DesignMithril Gauntlets Design - 1.37%
Mold HardenerMold Hardener - 1/1374
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant - 1/589
Recipe: Full Plate ArmorRecipe: Full Plate Armor (view) - 1/2732
SuedeSuede - 5.66%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 52Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 52 - 1/83333
Composite BootsComposite Boots 76 (C) 1/4049
Mithril GauntletsMithril Gauntlets 76 (C) 1/4049
Necklace Of Mermaid TeardropNecklace Of Mermaid Teardrop - 1/10
Recipe: Nassen's EarringRecipe: Nassen's Earring (view) - 1/19
SuedeSuede (1-3) - 1/1

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