Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Ice Tarantula

Ice Tarantula (57)   Locate Ice Tarantula on the map Location

HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Blunt Weapons (5)
Bugs (12)
They consist of insects, spiders and worms and act upon their highly refined instincts. Sometimes their instincts present themselves in a more developed form than that of humanoid society. Bugs (7)
Bugs Standard Type (2)
Sword Weak Point (2)
Vulnerable to Sword Weapons.

Passive male, Exp: 5402, SP: 449, HP: 1777, P.Atk: 614, M.Atk: 420, RunSpd: 109, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (719-1469) - 70.00%
EnriaEnria - 1/1114
Heavy War Axe HeadHeavy War Axe Head - 1/2597
High-Grade Life Stone: Level 58High-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/37037
Ice Storm Hammer HeadIce Storm Hammer Head - 1/2890
Life Stone: Level 58Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/929
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber - 1.54%
Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 58Mid-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/3717
Mithril OreMithril Ore - 1.08%
Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (60%)Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (60%) (view) - 1/24390
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget - 2.15%
Spell Breaker HeadSpell Breaker Head - 1/2597
Sprite's Staff HeadSprite's Staff Head - 1/2639
ThreadThread - 10.77%
Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 58Top-Grade Life Stone: Level 58 - 1/200000
Common Item - Heavy War AxeCommon Item - Heavy War Axe 47 (B) 1/25641
Common Item - Ice Storm HammerCommon Item - Ice Storm Hammer 47 (B) 1/25641
Common Item - Spell BreakerCommon Item - Spell Breaker 47 (B) 1/25641
Common Item - Sprite's StaffCommon Item - Sprite's Staff 47 (B) 1/25641
Heavy War AxeHeavy War Axe 891 (B) 1/125000
Ice Storm HammerIce Storm Hammer 891 (B) 1/125000
Spell BreakerSpell Breaker 891 (B) 1/125000
Sprite's StaffSprite's Staff 891 (B) 1/125000
Recipe: Blue Wolf Breastplate (100%)Recipe: Blue Wolf Breastplate (100%) (view) - 1/177
Recipe: Doom Shield (100%)Recipe: Doom Shield (100%) (view) - 1/46
Zubei's Breastplate PartZubei's Breastplate Part - 1/30

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