Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Turtlelian (85)

Beasts (3)
They are animals who prey on humanoids for food. Some of them are mythological creatures that existed before the origins of humanity. Earth Attacks (1)
Strong against the element of earth. Extremely Weak M. Def. (4)
Greater Resist Hold (4)
Very resistant to hold attacks. Greater Resist Mental Derangement (5)
Very resistant to mental attacks. Greater Resist Sleep (4)
Very resistant to sleep attacks. Strong P. Def. (15)
Very Strong M. Atk. (16)
Very Strong P. Atk. (17)

Aggressive male, Exp: 579303, SP: 58205, HP: 55817, P.Atk: 40000, M.Atk: 20000, RunSpd: 120, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdamantineAdamantine - 5.68%
AdenaAdena (39560-80294) - 70.00%
CokesCokes (14-42) - 9.83%
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede (3-9) - 22.06%
High-Grade Life Stone - Level 84High-Grade Life Stone - Level 84 - 1/667
LeonardLeonard - 11.92%
Life Stone - Level 84Life Stone - Level 84 - 7.11%
Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 84Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 84 - 2.00%
OrichalcumOrichalcum - 8.75%
Sealed Vesper Boots PieceSealed Vesper Boots Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper Gauntlet PieceSealed Vesper Gauntlet Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper Gloves PieceSealed Vesper Gloves Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper Leather Boots PieceSealed Vesper Leather Boots Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves PieceSealed Vesper Leather Gloves Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper Shoes PieceSealed Vesper Shoes Piece - 1.61%
Sealed Vesper ShoesSealed Vesper Shoes 560 (S84) 1/100000

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