Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Boom Golem

Boom Golem (72)   Locate Boom Golem on the map Location

Weak Point against Bow/Crossbow Weapons (4)
Weak against Bow/Crossbow attacks. Magic Creatures (2)
The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Titan Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-level magic, such as teleportation. Strong P. Atk. (14)
Very Strong M. Atk. (16)
Weak M. Def. (7)
Weak P. Def. (8)

Aggressive male, Exp: 18674, SP: 1805, HP: 2540, P.Atk: 1303, M.Atk: 607, RunSpd: 120, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
AdenaAdena (2000-4000) - 70.00%
AsofeAsofe - 1/133
EnriaEnria - 1/250
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber - 15.00%
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant - 1.50%
Sealed Imperial Crusader ShieldSealed Imperial Crusader Shield 161 (S) 1/166667
Sealed Arcana SigilSealed Arcana Sigil 161 (S) 1/166667
Sealed Draconic Leather HelmetSealed Draconic Leather Helmet 230 (S) 1/200000
Sealed Imperial Crusader HelmetSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 230 (S) 1/200000
Sealed Major Arcana CircletSealed Major Arcana Circlet 230 (S) 1/200000
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet PatternSealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern - 1/14
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet PatternSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern - 1/14

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