Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Varka's Chief Horus

Varka's Chief Horus (80)   Locate Varka's Chief Horus on the map Location

HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Raid Boss (1)
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss - Level 87 (1)
This young chief of the powerful mercenary Varka Silenos is an excellent swordsman. He is ably assisted by his commander, Mos, and his shaman, Shadith. Resist Full Magic Attack (1) BOSS Haste (10) Stun (10)
You are stunned and temporarily prohibited from movement. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
Blunt Weapons (6)
BOSS Cancel Magic (10) BOSS Strike (10) Humanoids (6)
They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race. Standard Type (2)

Passive male, Exp: 3775961, SP: 557272, HP: 689061, P.Atk: 5194, M.Atk: 2412, RunSpd: 279, Atk.Range: 40
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Arcana Mace HeadArcana Mace Head (3-7) - 19.80%
Basalt Battlehammer HeadBasalt Battlehammer Head (2-6) - 24.75%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S) - 1/186
Dragon Hunter Axe BladeDragon Hunter Axe Blade (6-18) - 8.56%
Imperial Staff HeadImperial Staff Head (11-31) - 4.82%
Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)Scroll: Enchant Armor (S) - 32.28%
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S) - 3.23%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet PatternSealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern (11-31) - 24.04%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet PatternSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern (60-180) - 4.21%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield PartSealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part (23-67) - 9.65%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet PatternSealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern (16-48) - 15.78%
Arcana MaceArcana Mace 2052 (S) 1/458
Basalt BattlehammerBasalt Battlehammer 2052 (S) 1/458
Dragon Hunter AxeDragon Hunter Axe 2052 (S) 1/458
Imperial StaffImperial Staff 2052 (S) 1/458
Sealed Imperial Crusader ShieldSealed Imperial Crusader Shield 161 (S) 1.86%
Sealed Draconic Leather HelmetSealed Draconic Leather Helmet 230 (S) 1.30%
Sealed Imperial Crusader HelmetSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 230 (S) 1.30%
Sealed Major Arcana CircletSealed Major Arcana Circlet 230 (S) 1.30%

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