Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Shadow Of Halisha

Shadow Of Halisha (80)

Dark Attack (1)
Unleashes a dark attack. HP Increase (1x) (1)
MP Increase (1x) (1)
Raid Boss (1)
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all. Raid Boss - Level 81 (1)
One of four Guardian Knights assigned to protect Prince Frintezza, he was sacrificed and sold to Halisha by the unwise Prince in an attempt to save his own skin. In his lifetime, he was called Valkyrie Morigul of the Ivory Tower because he hailed from the Ivory Tower. Resist Dark Attack (5)
Resistant to dark attacks. Resist Full Magic Attack (1) Decrease Atk. Spd. (9)
Instantly reduces Atk. Spd. Effect 3. Decrease Speed (9)
Instantly reduces Speed. Effect 3. Average M. Atk. (11)
Average M. Def. (11)
Average P. Atk. (11)
Average P. Def. (11)
BOSS Twister (9) Bows (9)
Demons (9)
This race of darkness opposes the angels. Beings that are changed by the curse of darkness become demons as well. Standard Type (2)

Passive female, Exp: 2643173, SP: 390090, HP: 213849, P.Atk: 1453, M.Atk: 421, RunSpd: 279, Atk.Range: 1100

Minions: Knight Of Shadow (80) (3-3) Locate Knight of Shadow on the map  |  Knight Of Shadow (80) (1-1) Locate Knight of Shadow on the map
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Blessed Scroll Of ResurrectionBlessed Scroll Of Resurrection - 36.60%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S) - 3.24%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet PatternSealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern (11-31) - 21.81%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet PatternSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern (60-180) - 3.82%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield PartSealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part (23-67) - 8.75%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet PatternSealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern (16-48) - 14.31%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe PartSealed Major Arcana Robe Part (12-36) - 33.45%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe PartSealed Major Arcana Robe Part (3-9) - 62.17%
Sealed Imperial Crusader ShieldSealed Imperial Crusader Shield 161 (S) 1.68%
Sealed Draconic Leather HelmetSealed Draconic Leather Helmet 230 (S) 1.19%
Sealed Imperial Crusader HelmetSealed Imperial Crusader Helmet 230 (S) 1.18%
Sealed Major Arcana CircletSealed Major Arcana Circlet 230 (S) 1.19%
Sealed Major Arcana RobeSealed Major Arcana Robe 748 (S) 1/103
Sealed Major Arcana RobeSealed Major Arcana Robe 748 (S) 1.86%

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