Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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L2 Recipes - Recipe: Crafted Leather

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Recipe: Crafted Leather (level 4, quantity 1, rate 100%, MP 40

Ingredient in:
   (16) (Recipe: Composite Boots)
  Adamantite Boots (24) (Recipe: Adamantite Boots)
  Avadon Boots (16) (Recipe: Avadon Boots (60%))
  Avadon Boots (24) (Recipe: Avadon Boots (100%))
  Avadon Circlet (20) (Recipe: Avadon Circlet (60%))
  Avadon Circlet (40) (Recipe: Avadon Circlet (100%))
  Avadon Gloves (16) (Recipe: Avadon Gloves (60%))
  Avadon Gloves (24) (Recipe: Avadon Gloves (100%))
  Avadon Leather Armor (65) (Recipe: Avadon Leather Armor (60%))
  Avadon Leather Armor (96) (Recipe: Avadon Leather Armor (100%))
  Avadon Robe (65) (Recipe: Avadon Robe (60%))
  Avadon Robe (96) (Recipe: Avadon Robe (100%))
  Avadon Shield (3) (Recipe: Avadon Shield (60%))
  Avadon Shield (4) (Recipe: Avadon Shield)
  Blessed Gloves (24) (Recipe: Blessed Gloves)
  Blue Wolf Boots (32) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (60%))
  Blue Wolf Boots (48) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (100%))
  Blue Wolf Gloves (32) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Gloves (60%))
  Blue Wolf Gloves (48) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Gloves (100%))
  Blue Wolf Helmet (50) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (100%))
  Blue Wolf Helmet (40) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Helmet (60%))
  Blue Wolf Leather Armor (100) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Leather Armor (60%))
  Blue Wolf Leather Armor (140) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Leather Armor (100%))
  Blue Wolf Stockings (30) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Stockings (60%))
  Blue Wolf Stockings (41) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Stockings (100%))
  Blue Wolf Tunic (64) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Tunic (60%))
  Blue Wolf Tunic (88) (Recipe: Blue Wolf Tunic (100%))
  Boots of Blessing (16) (Recipe: Boots of Blessing (60%))
  Boots of Blessing (24) (Recipe: Boots of Blessing (100%))
  Boots of Doom (32) (Recipe: Doom Boots (60%))
  Boots of Doom (48) (Recipe: Doom Boots (100%))
  Boots of Grace (32) (Recipe: Boots of Grace (60%))
  Boots of Grace (48) (Recipe: Boots of Grace (100%))
  Boots of Seal (8) (Recipe: Boots of Seal)
  Boots of Silence (16) (Recipe: Boots of Silence (60%))
  Boots of Silence (24) (Recipe: Boots of Silence (100%))
  Cap of Mana (26) (Recipe: Cap of Mana)
  Chain Boots (8) (Recipe: Chain Boots)
  Chain Gloves (8) (Recipe: Chain Gloves)
  Chain Gloves of Silence (16) (Recipe: Chain Gloves of Silence (60%))
  Chain Gloves of Silence (32) (Recipe: Chain Gloves of Silence (100%))
  Chain Hood (2) (Recipe: Chain Hood)
  Chain Shield (1) (Recipe: Chain Shield)
  Composite Helmet (14) (Recipe: Composite Helmet)
  Composite Shield (2) (Recipe: Composite Shield (100%))
  Crimson Boots (10) (Recipe: Crimson Boots)
  Demon's Boots (16) (Recipe: Demon's Boots)
  Demon's Gloves (16) (Recipe: Demon's Gloves)
  Demon's Stockings (30) (Recipe: Demon's Stockings)
  Demon's Tunic (48) (Recipe: Demon's Tunic)
  Divine Boots (24) (Recipe: Divine Boots)
  Divine Gloves (24) (Recipe: Divine Gloves)
  Divine Stockings (42) (Recipe: Divine Stockings)
  Divine Tunic (70) (Recipe: Divine Tunic)
  Doom Gloves (32) (Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%))
  Doom Gloves (48) (Recipe: Doom Gloves (100%))
  Doom Helmet (40) (Recipe: Doom Helmet (60%))
  Doom Helmet (50) (Recipe: Doom Helmet (100%))
  Doom Shield (3) (Recipe: Doom Shield (60%))
  Doom Shield (3) (Recipe: Doom Shield (100%))
  Drake Leather Armor (96) (Recipe: Drake Leather Armor)
  Drake Leather Boots (24) (Recipe: Drake Leather Boots)
  Drake Leather Gloves (24) (Recipe: Drake Leather Gloves)
  Dwarven Chain Boots (8) (Recipe: Dwarven Chain Boots)
  Dwarven Chain Gloves (10) (Recipe: Dwarven Chain Gloves)
  Dwarven Chain Shield (1) (Recipe: Dwarven Chain Shield)
  Eldarake (1) (Recipe: Eldarake)
  Elemental Boots (32) (Recipe: Elemental Boots (60%))
  Elemental Boots (48) (Recipe: Elemental Boots (100%))
  Elemental Gloves (32) (Recipe: Elemental Gloves (60%))
  Elemental Gloves (48) (Recipe: Elemental Gloves (100%))
  Elemental Hood (26) (Recipe: Elemental Hood)
  Flame Helm (26) (Recipe: Flame Helm)
  Forgotten Boots (16) (Recipe: Forgotten Boots)
  Full Plate Boots (24) (Recipe: Full Plate Boots)
  Full Plate Gauntlets (24) (Recipe: Full Plate Gauntlets)
  Full Plate Helmet (26) (Recipe: Full Plate Helmet)
  Full Plate Shield (3) (Recipe: Full Plate Shield)
  Gauntlets of Ghost (24) (Recipe: Gauntlets of Ghost)
  Gloves of Blessing (16) (Recipe: Gloves of Blessing (60%))
  Gloves of Blessing (32) (Recipe: Gloves of Blessing (100%))
  Gloves of Grace (32) (Recipe: Gloves of Grace (60%))
  Gloves of Grace (48) (Recipe: Gloves of Grace (100%))
  Gloves of Seal (10) (Recipe: Gloves of Seal)
  Great Helmet (6) (Recipe: Great Helmet)
  Guardian's Boots (16) (Recipe: Guardian's Boots (60%))
  Guardian's Boots (24) (Recipe: Guardian's Boots (100%))
  Guardian's Gloves (16) (Recipe: Guardian's Gloves (60%))
  Guardian's Gloves (32) (Recipe: Guardian's Gloves (100%))
  Helm of Avadon (26) (Recipe: Helm of Avadon)
  Helmet of Pledge (26) (Recipe: Helmet of Pledge)
  Hood of Aid (26) (Recipe: Hood of Aid)
  Hood of Grace (26) (Recipe: Hood of Grace)
  Hood of Solar Eclipse (26) (Recipe: Hood of Solar Eclipse)
  Hood of Summoning (26) (Recipe: Hood of Summoning)
  Implosion Boots (32) (Recipe: Implosion Boots (60%))
  Implosion Boots (48) (Recipe: Implosion Boots (100%))
  Implosion Gauntlets (32) (Recipe: Implosion Gauntlets (60%))
  Implosion Gauntlets (48) (Recipe: Implosion Gauntlets (100%))
  Karmian Boots (8) (Recipe: Karmian Boots)
  Karmian Gloves (8) (Recipe: Karmian Gloves)
  Karmian Stockings (15) (Recipe: Karmian Stockings)
  Karmian Tunic (24) (Recipe: Karmian Tunic)
  Knight's Shield (1) (Recipe: Knight's Shield)
  Leather Armor of Doom (100) (Recipe: Leather Armor of Doom (60%))
  Leather Armor of Doom (140) (Recipe: Leather Armor of Doom (100%))
  Mithril Boots (8) (Recipe: Mithril Boots)
  Mithril Gauntlets (16) (Recipe: Mithril Gauntlets)
  Mithril Helmet (26) (Recipe: Mithril Helmet)
  Mithril Shirt (24) (Recipe: Mithril Shirt)
  Pa'agrian Hand (10) (Recipe: Pa'agrian Hand)
  Paradia Boots (32) (Recipe: Paradia Boots (60%))
  Paradia Boots (48) (Recipe: Paradia Boots (100%))
  Paradia Gloves (32) (Recipe: Paradia Gloves (60%))
  Paradia Gloves (48) (Recipe: Paradia Gloves (100%))
  Paradia Hood (26) (Recipe: Paradia Hood)
  Phoenix Hood (26) (Recipe: Phoenix Hood)
  Plated Leather (30) (Recipe: Plated Leather Armor)
  Plated Leather Boots (8) (Recipe: Plated Leather Boots)
  Plated Leather Gaiters (18) (Recipe: Plated Leather Gaiters)
  Plated Leather Gloves (8) (Recipe: Plated Leather Gloves)
  Reinforced Mithril Gloves (8) (Recipe: Reinforced Mithril Gloves)
  Rind Leather Armor (32) (Recipe: Rind Leather Armor)
  Rind Leather Boots (10) (Recipe: Rind Leather Boots)
  Rind Leather Gaiters (20) (Recipe: Rind Leather Gaiters)
  Rind Leather Gloves (10) (Recipe: Rind Leather Gloves)
  Robe of Seal (40) (Recipe: Robe of Seal)
  Sealed Arcana Sickle (12) (Recipe - Sealed Arcana Sickle (60%))
  Sealed Arcana Sickle (29) (Recipe - Sealed Arcana Sickle (100%))
  Sealed Boots of Nightmare (40) (Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(60%))
  Sealed Boots of Nightmare (50) (Recipe: Sealed Boots of Nightmare(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Boots (25) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Boots (20) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Boots(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves (20) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves (25) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet (40) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet (90) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor (180) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor (100) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings (60) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings (100) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Robe (140) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Robe (210) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Robe(100%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Shield (4) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%))
  Sealed Dark Crystal Shield (6) (Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(100%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Armor (336) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic Leather Armor (60%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Armor (608) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic Leather Armor (100%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Boots (60) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic�Leather�Boots (60%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Boots (155) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic�Leather�Boots (100%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Glove (60) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic�Leather�Gloves (60%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Glove (155) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic�Leather�Gloves (100%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet (170) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet (60%))
  Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet (370) (Recipe: Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet (100%))
  Sealed Dynasty Boots (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Boots (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Circlet (300) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Circlet (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Gauntlets (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gauntlet (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Gloves (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Gloves (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Helmet (300) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Helmet (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor (470) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Leather Armor (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Leather Boots (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Leather Gloves (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet (300) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Leather Helmet (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings (290) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Leather Leggings (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Shield (22) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shield (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Shoes (120) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Shoes (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Sickle (22) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Sickle (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Stockings (290) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%))
  Sealed Dynasty Tunic (470) (Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Tunic (60%))
  Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare (40) (Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(60%))
  Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare (50) (Recipe: Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare(100%))
  Sealed Helm of Nightmare (80) (Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%))
  Sealed Helm of Nightmare (160) (Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(100%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots (60) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots (60%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots (155) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots (100%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet (60) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets (60%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet (155) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets (100%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet (170) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet (60%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet (370) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet (100%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (12) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (60%))
  Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (29) (Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (100%))
  Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare (220) (Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(60%))
  Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare (400) (Recipe: Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare(100%))
  Sealed Majestic Boots (40) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(60%))
  Sealed Majestic Boots (50) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Boots(100%))
  Sealed Majestic Circlet (80) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (60%))
  Sealed Majestic Circlet (160) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Circlet (100%))
  Sealed Majestic Gauntlets (40) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(60%))
  Sealed Majestic Gauntlets (50) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Gauntlets(100%))
  Sealed Majestic Leather Armor (220) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(60%))
  Sealed Majestic Leather Armor (400) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Leather Armor(100%))
  Sealed Majestic Robe (204) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(60%))
  Sealed Majestic Robe (400) (Recipe: Sealed Majestic Robe(100%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Boots (60) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Boots (60%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Boots (155) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Boots (100%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Circlet (170) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Circlet (60%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Circlet (370) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Circlet (100%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Glove (60) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Gloves (60%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Glove (155) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Gloves (100%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Robe (608) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Robe (100%))
  Sealed Major Arcana Robe (336) (Recipe: Sealed Major Arcana Robe (60%))
  Sealed Nightmare Robe (204) (Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe(60%))
  Sealed Nightmare Robe (400) (Recipe: Sealed Nightmare Robe(100%))
  Sealed Shield of Nightmare (7) (Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%))
  Sealed Shield of Nightmare (11) (Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Boots (25) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Boots (20) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Boots(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Gloves (25) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Gloves (20) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Gloves(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Helmet (40) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Helmet (90) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Helmet(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Leather Armor (132) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Leather Armor (260) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Leather Armor(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Stockings (60) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Stockings (40) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(100%))
  Sealed Tallum Tunic (100) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%))
  Sealed Tallum Tunic (180) (Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(100%))
  Shining Circlet (14) (Recipe: Shining Circlet)
  Steel Plate Helmet (3) (Recipe: Steel Plate Helmet)
  Stockings of Doom (30) (Recipe: Stockings of Doom (60%))
  Stockings of Doom (41) (Recipe: Stockings of Doom (100%))
  Stockings of Zubei (20) (Recipe: Stockings of Zubei (60%))
  Stockings of Zubei (29) (Recipe: Stockings of Zubei (100%))
  Tempered Mithril Gaiters (15) (Recipe: Tempered Mithril Gaiters)
  Theca Leather Armor (54) (Recipe: Theca Leather Armor)
  Theca Leather Boots (18) (Recipe: Theca Leather Boots)
  Theca Leather Gaiters (32) (Recipe: Theca Leather Gaiters)
  Theca Leather Gloves (18) (Recipe: Theca Leather Gloves)
  Tower Shield (2) (Recipe: Tower Shield)
  Tunic of Doom (64) (Recipe: Tunic of Doom (60%))
  Tunic of Doom (88) (Recipe: Tunic of Doom (100%))
  Tunic of Zubei (58) (Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (100%))
  Tunic of Zubei (40) (Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (60%))
  Zubei's Boots (16) (Recipe: Zubei's Boots (60%))
  Zubei's Boots (24) (Recipe: Zubei's Boots (100%))
  Zubei's Gauntlets (16) (Recipe: Zubei's Gauntlets (60%))
  Zubei's Gauntlets (24) (Recipe: Zubei's Gauntlets (100%))
  Zubei's Helmet (20) (Recipe: Zubei's Helmet (60%))
  Zubei's Helmet (40) (Recipe: Zubei's Helmet (100%))
  Zubei's Leather Gaiters (20) (Recipe: Zubei's Leather Gaiters (60%))
  Zubei's Leather Gaiters (29) (Recipe: Zubei's Leather Gaiters (100%))
  Zubei's Leather Shirt (40) (Recipe: Zubei's Leather Shirt (60%))
  Zubei's Leather Shirt (58) (Recipe: Zubei's Leather Shirt (100%))
  Zubei's Shield (2) (Recipe: Zubei's Shield (60%))
  Zubei's Shield (4) (Recipe: Zubei's Shield (100%))

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