Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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Earth Egg

Earth Egg Earth Egg

Type: None
Obtained by attacking a Raid Boss, you can assemble this Crystal of Life and trade it for something useful.
NPC Name Type Quantity Chance
Gwindorr (40) Passive 1-2 85.00%
Leto Chief Talkin (40) Locate Leto Chief Talkin on the map Passive 1-2 85.00%
Water Couatle Ateka (40) Locate Water Couatle Ateka on the map Passive 1-2 85.00%
Retreat Spider Cletu (42) Locate Retreat Spider Cletu on the map Passive 1-5 73.00%
Earth Protector Panathen (43) Locate Earth Protector Panathen on the map Passive 1-2 89.00%
Rotten Tree Repiro (44) Locate Rotten Tree Repiro on the map Passive 1-3 72.00%
Timak Orc Chief Ranger (44) Locate Timak Orc Chief Ranger on the map Passive 2-4 75.00%
Biconne Of Blue Sky (45) Locate Biconne of Blue Sky on the map Passive 1-3 75.00%
Fafurion's Henchman Istary (45) Locate Fafurion's Henchman Istary on the map Passive 1-3 75.00%
Shacram (45) Locate Shacram on the map Passive 1-3 75.00%
Tiger King Karuta (45) Locate Tiger King Karuta on the map Passive 1-3 75.00%
Orfen's Handmaiden (48) Locate Orfen's Handmaiden on the map Passive 1-3 84.00%
Cursed Clara (50) Locate Cursed Clara on the map Passive 1-3 85.00%
Captain Of Red Flag Shaka (52) Locate Captain of Red Flag Shaka on the map Passive 2-6 79.00%
Fafurion's Envoy Pingolpin (52) Locate Fafurion's Envoy Pingolpin on the map Passive 1-3 85.00%
Grave Robber Kim (52) Locate Grave Robber Kim on the map Passive 1-3 85.00%
Eva's Spirit Niniel (55) Locate Eva's Spirit Niniel on the map Passive 1-4 75.00%
Sorcerer Isirr (55) Locate Sorcerer Isirr on the map Passive 2-3 75.00%
Harit Guardian Garangky (56) Locate Harit Guardian Garangky on the map Passive 1-4 77.00%
Refugee Hopeful Leo (56) Locate Refugee Hopeful Leo on the map Passive 1-4 77.00%
Timak Seer Ragoth (57) Locate Timak Seer Ragoth on the map Passive 1-4 80.00%
Soulless Wild Boar (59) Locate Soulless Wild Boar on the map Passive 1-4 83.00%
Roaring Lord Kastor (62) Locate Roaring Lord Kastor on the map Passive 3-7 79.00%
Fierce Tiger King Angel (65) Locate Fierce Tiger King Angel on the map Passive 3-7 80.00%
Shilen's Priest Hisilrome (65) Locate Shilen's Priest Hisilrome on the map Passive 1-5 76.00%
Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone (67) Locate Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone on the map Passive 3-7 81.00%
Palibati Queen Themis (70) Locate Palibati Queen Themis on the map Passive 3-7 82.00%
Water Dragon Seer Sheshark (72) Locate Water Dragon Seer Sheshark on the map Passive 3-7 82.00%
Krokian Padisha Sobekk (74) Locate Krokian Padisha Sobekk on the map Passive 3-7 82.00%

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