Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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NPC/Monsters - ClanHallManager

Adventurer | Artefact | Auctioneer | BabyPet | CabaleBuffer | CastleBlacksmith | CastleChamberlain | CastleDoormen | CastleMagician | CastleTeleporter | CastleWarehouse | CastleWyvernManager | Chest | ClanHallDoormen | ClanHallManager | ClanTrader | ClassMaster | ControlTower | DawnPriest | Decoy | Defender | Doormen | DungeonGatekeeper | DuskPriest | EventChest | FameManager | FeedableBeast | FestivalGuide | FestivalMonster | Fisherman | FlameTower | FlyMinion | FlyMonster | FlyNpc | FortBallista | FortCommander | FortDoormen | FortEnvoy | FortLogistics | FortManager | FortSiegeNpc | FortSupportCaptain | FortWyvernManager | FriendlyMob | GrandBoss | GroupLeader | Guard | ManorManager | MercenaryManager | Merchant | MerchantSummon | MercManager | Minion | Monster | Npc | NpcWalker | Observation | OlympiadManager | PenaltyMonster | Pet | PetManager | RaidBoss | RiftInvader | SepulcherMonster | SepulcherNpc | SiegeNpc | SiegeSummon | SignsPriest | SymbolMaker | TamedBeast | Teleporter | TerrainObject | TerritoryWard | TownPet | Trainer | TransformManager | VillageMasterDElf | VillageMasterDwarf | VillageMasterFighter | VillageMasterKamael | VillageMasterMystic | VillageMasterOrc | VillageMasterPriest | Warehouse | XmassTree |
NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Chamberlain Locate Chamberlain on the map 56 Passive 314 10 1725 583 404 120 40
Adrienne Locate Adrienne on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Aida Locate Aida on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Albert Locate Albert on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Bianca Locate Bianca on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Billy Locate Billy on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Black Locate Black on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Boyer Locate Boyer on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Branhillde Locate Branhillde on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Bremmer Locate Bremmer on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Carey Locate Carey on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Carol Locate Carol on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Crissy Locate Crissy on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Dianne Locate Dianne on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Dillon Locate Dillon on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
DiMaggio Locate DiMaggio on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Emma Locate Emma on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Flynn Locate Flynn on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Gladys Locate Gladys on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Helga Locate Helga on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Horner Locate Horner on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Jack Locate Jack on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Jimmy Locate Jimmy on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Kalis Locate Kalis on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Karuto Locate Karuto on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Korgen Locate Korgen on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Michael Locate Michael on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Millicent Locate Millicent on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Patty Locate Patty on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Regina Locate Regina on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Ron Locate Ron on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Ronald Locate Ronald on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Ruben Locate Ruben on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Serena Locate Serena on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Seth Locate Seth on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Stanley Locate Stanley on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Tim Locate Tim on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Wayne Locate Wayne on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40
Winker Locate Winker on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 1 40

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