Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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NPC/Monsters - Guard

Adventurer | Artefact | Auctioneer | BabyPet | CabaleBuffer | CastleBlacksmith | CastleChamberlain | CastleDoormen | CastleMagician | CastleTeleporter | CastleWarehouse | CastleWyvernManager | Chest | ClanHallDoormen | ClanHallManager | ClanTrader | ClassMaster | ControlTower | DawnPriest | Decoy | Defender | Doormen | DungeonGatekeeper | DuskPriest | EventChest | FameManager | FeedableBeast | FestivalGuide | FestivalMonster | Fisherman | FlameTower | FlyMinion | FlyMonster | FlyNpc | FortBallista | FortCommander | FortDoormen | FortEnvoy | FortLogistics | FortManager | FortSiegeNpc | FortSupportCaptain | FortWyvernManager | FriendlyMob | GrandBoss | GroupLeader | Guard | ManorManager | MercenaryManager | Merchant | MerchantSummon | MercManager | Minion | Monster | Npc | NpcWalker | Observation | OlympiadManager | PenaltyMonster | Pet | PetManager | RaidBoss | RiftInvader | SepulcherMonster | SepulcherNpc | SiegeNpc | SiegeSummon | SignsPriest | SymbolMaker | TamedBeast | Teleporter | TerrainObject | TerritoryWard | TownPet | Trainer | TransformManager | VillageMasterDElf | VillageMasterDwarf | VillageMasterFighter | VillageMasterKamael | VillageMasterMystic | VillageMasterOrc | VillageMasterPriest | Warehouse | XmassTree |
NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Adios Locate Adios on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 145 40
Alex Locate Alex on the map 70 Aggressive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Ambra Locate Ambra on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Bixon Locate Bixon on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Carver Locate Carver on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Emdrere Locate Emdrere on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 145 40
Falken Locate Falken on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 1100
Kato Locate Kato on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Maddy Locate Maddy on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Marcela Locate Marcela on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Marksman Locate Marksman on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 1100
Marksman Locate Marksman on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 1100
Morelin Locate Morelin on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 1100
Peregrine Locate Peregrine on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 1100
Putin Locate Putin on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Ronde Locate Ronde on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 145 40
Saige Locate Saige on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 145 40
Syzar Locate Syzar on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Wharf Patrol Locate Wharf Patrol on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Wharf Patrol Locate Wharf Patrol on the map 70 Passive 0 0 2444 1086 749 109 40
Abellos Locate Abellos on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Alberius Locate Alberius on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Aldis Locate Aldis on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Altima Locate Altima on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Alvah Locate Alvah on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Andrei Locate Andrei on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Arnold Locate Arnold on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Atanas Locate Atanas on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Babenco Locate Babenco on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Bane Locate Bane on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Basil Locate Basil on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 1100
Bayard Locate Bayard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Bellard Locate Bellard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Belton Locate Belton on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Berros Locate Berros on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Bezique Locate Bezique on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Border Patrol Locate Border Patrol on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Border Patrol Locate Border Patrol on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 120 40
Bret Locate Bret on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Bright Locate Bright on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Brynn Locate Brynn on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Burke Locate Burke on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Byron Locate Byron on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Cadmon Locate Cadmon on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Cage Locate Cage on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Carlton Locate Carlton on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Centurion Locate Centurion on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Chiperan Locate Chiperan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Coleman Locate Coleman on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Conroy Locate Conroy on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Cromwell Locate Cromwell on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Curtis Locate Curtis on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Defender Locate Defender on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Dimitri Locate Dimitri on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Dinkey Locate Dinkey on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Dunst Locate Dunst on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Dupuis Locate Dupuis on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Eastan Locate Eastan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Eriel Locate Eriel on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Erstack Locate Erstack on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Ethan Locate Ethan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Eugen Locate Eugen on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Friggar Locate Friggar on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Frontier Guard Locate Frontier Guard on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 120 40
Gardner Locate Gardner on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Gartrandell Locate Gartrandell on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Gilbert Locate Gilbert on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Glen Locate Glen on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Gotter Locate Gotter on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Grayson Locate Grayson on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Guard Locate Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Guard Locate Guard on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Gunter Locate Gunter on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Hanks Locate Hanks on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Harlan Locate Harlan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Hector Locate Hector on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Henrik Locate Henrik on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Herven Locate Herven on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Ian Locate Ian on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Irene Locate Irene on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Jacob Locate Jacob on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Jenna Locate Jenna on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Jerin Locate Jerin on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Jeronin Locate Jeronin on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Johnstone Locate Johnstone on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Kathaway Locate Kathaway on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Kayleen Locate Kayleen on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Kendell Locate Kendell on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Kent Locate Kent on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Kenyos Locate Kenyos on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Kosmos Locate Kosmos on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Kraisen Locate Kraisen on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Kristin Locate Kristin on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Kurt Locate Kurt on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Kurtiz Locate Kurtiz on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Leikan Locate Leikan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Leon Locate Leon on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Liam Locate Liam on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Linus Locate Linus on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Luis Locate Luis on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Makhis Locate Makhis on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Marion Locate Marion on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Melville Locate Melville on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Metty Locate Metty on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Moretti Locate Moretti on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Nakusin Locate Nakusin on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Nasign Locate Nasign on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Nathan Locate Nathan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Nelsya Locate Nelsya on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Norton Locate Norton on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Orinak Locate Orinak on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Paion Locate Paion on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Paros Locate Paros on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Parugon Locate Parugon on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Patrol 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 120 1100
Patrol 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 120 40
Patrol Locate Patrol on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 1100
Patrol Locate Patrol on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Petukai Locate Petukai on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Pinaps Locate Pinaps on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Plink Locate Plink on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Praga Locate Praga on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Proton Locate Proton on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Raigen Locate Raigen on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Rath Locate Rath on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Rayen Locate Rayen on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Rayla Locate Rayla on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Reikin Locate Reikin on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Richtor Locate Richtor on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Rodic Locate Rodic on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Roselyn Locate Roselyn on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Roy Locate Roy on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Rukain Locate Rukain on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Runant Locate Runant on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Schmidt Locate Schmidt on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Scott Locate Scott on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Sentinel Locate Sentinel on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Sentry Locate Sentry on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Sherring Locate Sherring on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Singa Locate Singa on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Sirius Locate Sirius on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Stan Locate Stan on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Starden Locate Starden on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 1100
Sucrete Locate Sucrete on the map 80 Passive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 1100
Sven Locate Sven on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Tamai Locate Tamai on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Tardyon Locate Tardyon on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Tavillian Locate Tavillian on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Tebose Locate Tebose on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Tiku Locate Tiku on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Timos Locate Timos on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Toma Locate Toma on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Trionell Locate Trionell on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Ulrich Locate Ulrich on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Vapook Locate Vapook on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Veltress Locate Veltress on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Vesa Locate Vesa on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Viktor Van Dake Locate Viktor Van Dake on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 160 40
Weisz Locate Weisz on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Weston Locate Weston on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Wheeler Locate Wheeler on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40
Xaber Locate Xaber on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Yates Locate Yates on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 1100
Yening Locate Yening on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 109 40
Zerome Locate Zerome on the map 80 Aggressive 0 0 2880 1499 1035 145 40

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