Lineage 2 Drop and Spoil Calculator Interlude/Kamael/Hellbound/Gracia/Freya/Hi5/GoD

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NPC class: Type: Skill: Level: -
1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 80+ || On the Map || By area

Name Level Type Exp SP HP P.Atk M.Atk RunSpd Atk.Range
Big Boom 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 154 40
Corrupted Man 72 Passive 0 0 6020 1695 849 154 40
Cursed Man 72 Passive 0 0 4816 1837 849 154 80
Dark Panther 72 Passive 0 0 4414 1413 849 165 40
Feline Queen 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 198 40
Kai the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1878 848 198 40
Kat the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1708 1238 198 40
Mew the Cat 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Nightshade 72 Passive 0 0 8026 1412 848 187 40
Shadow 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1708 848 154 40
Silhouette 72 Passive 0 0 6461 1553 1026 154 40
Soulless 72 Passive 0 0 4856 1709 1238 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 72 Passive 0 0 4013 1412 848 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 154 40
Cursed Man 74 Passive 0 0 4990 1967 921 154 80
Feline Queen 74 Passive 0 0 4158 1511 920 198 40
Kai the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 5032 2010 920 198 40
Kat the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 132 40
Mechanic Golem 74 Passive 0 0 5531 1511 1343 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 5032 1828 1343 198 40
Mew the Cat 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Nightshade 74 Passive 0 0 8317 1511 920 187 40
Reanimated Man 74 Passive 0 0 6238 1816 921 154 40
Shadow 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1829 920 154 40
Silhouette 74 Passive 0 0 6695 1663 1113 154 40
Soulless 74 Passive 0 0 5032 1829 1343 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 74 Passive 0 0 4158 1511 920 154 40
Big Boom 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 154 40
Cursed Man 76 Passive 0 0 5157 2098 994 154 80
Dark Panther 76 Passive 0 0 4727 1614 994 165 40
Feline Queen 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 198 40
Kai the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 5200 2146 993 198 40
Kat the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 132 40
Merrow the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 5200 1952 1449 198 40
Mew the Cat 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Nightshade 76 Passive 0 0 8595 1613 993 187 40
Reanimated Man 76 Passive 0 0 6446 1937 994 154 40
Shadow 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1952 993 154 40
Silhouette 76 Passive 0 0 6919 1775 1201 154 40
Soulless 76 Passive 0 0 5200 1952 1450 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 76 Passive 0 0 4297 1613 993 154 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4428 1713 1068 154 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4444 1723 1074 156 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4459 1733 1081 157 40
Big Boom 78 Passive 0 0 4475 1743 1086 158 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2068 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2078 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2088 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 78 Passive 0 0 6642 2099 1069 154 40
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2229 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2245 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2261 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 78 Passive 0 0 5314 2277 1069 154 80
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1723 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1732 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1740 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 78 Passive 0 0 5025 1749 1069 165 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4440 1721 1071 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4476 1749 1092 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4513 1778 1113 198 40
Feline Queen 78 Passive 0 0 4550 1807 1134 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2291 1071 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2329 1092 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2368 1113 198 40
Kai the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2408 1134 198 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 132 40
Kat the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 132 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5890 1713 1560 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5910 1723 1568 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5931 1733 1578 165 40
Mechanic Golem 78 Passive 0 0 5952 1743 1586 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2084 1564 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2119 1594 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2154 1625 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2190 1656 198 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Mew the Cat 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 8882 1721 1071 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 8956 1749 1092 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 9030 1778 1113 187 40
Nightshade 78 Passive 0 0 9105 1807 1134 187 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2068 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2078 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2088 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 78 Passive 0 0 7085 2099 1069 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7150 2083 1071 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7209 2117 1092 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7269 2152 1113 154 40
Shadow 78 Passive 0 0 7329 2188 1134 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7150 1894 1295 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7209 1925 1320 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7269 1957 1345 154 40
Silhouette 78 Passive 0 0 7329 1989 1371 154 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5373 2085 1565 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5417 2120 1595 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5462 2155 1626 198 40
Soulless 78 Passive 0 0 5507 2191 1658 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4440 1721 1071 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4476 1749 1092 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4513 1778 1113 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 78 Passive 0 0 4550 1807 1134 154 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4490 1764 1105 159 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4506 1774 1112 160 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4522 1784 1118 161 40
Big Boom 79 Passive 0 0 4537 1794 1124 162 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2109 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2119 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2130 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 79 Passive 0 0 6642 2140 1069 154 40
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2293 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2309 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2325 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 79 Passive 0 0 5314 2341 1069 154 80
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1757 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1766 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1775 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 79 Passive 0 0 5025 1783 1069 165 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4587 1837 1156 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4625 1867 1178 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4663 1898 1201 198 40
Feline Queen 79 Passive 0 0 4701 1929 1224 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2448 1156 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2489 1178 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2531 1201 198 40
Kai the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2573 1224 198 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 132 40
Kat the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 132 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 5972 1764 1614 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 5993 1774 1624 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 6014 1784 1632 165 40
Mechanic Golem 79 Passive 0 0 6035 1794 1641 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2226 1688 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2263 1721 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2301 1754 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2339 1788 198 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Mew the Cat 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9181 1837 1156 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9257 1867 1178 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9334 1898 1201 187 40
Nightshade 79 Passive 0 0 9411 1929 1224 187 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2109 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2119 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2130 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 79 Passive 0 0 7085 2140 1069 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2224 1156 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2261 1178 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2298 1201 154 40
Shadow 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2336 1224 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7390 2022 1397 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7451 2055 1424 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7513 2089 1451 154 40
Silhouette 79 Passive 0 0 7575 2124 1479 154 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5552 2228 1690 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5598 2265 1723 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5644 2303 1756 198 40
Soulless 79 Passive 0 0 5690 2341 1790 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4587 1837 1156 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4625 1867 1178 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4663 1898 1201 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 79 Passive 0 0 4701 1929 1224 154 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4550 1813 1144 163 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4566 1823 1150 165 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4581 1833 1156 166 40
Big Boom 80 Passive 0 0 4596 1843 1161 167 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 154 40
Boxer the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2150 1069 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2173 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2184 1082 154 40
Corrupted Man 80 Passive 0 0 6642 2194 1082 154 40
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2357 1069 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2388 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2404 1082 154 80
Cursed Man 80 Passive 0 0 5314 2420 1082 154 80
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1792 1069 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1811 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1820 1082 165 40
Dark Panther 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1828 1082 165 40
Divine Beast 80 Passive 0 0 5025 1900 1095 165 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Feline King 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4740 1961 1248 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4779 1993 1272 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4818 2026 1296 198 40
Feline Queen 80 Passive 0 0 4858 2059 1321 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2616 1248 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2660 1272 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2704 1296 198 40
Kai the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2749 1321 198 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 132 40
Kat the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 132 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Magnus the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6052 1813 1671 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6072 1823 1679 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6092 1833 1688 165 40
Mechanic Golem 80 Passive 0 0 6112 1843 1696 165 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2378 1823 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2418 1858 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2458 1894 198 40
Merrow the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2499 1931 198 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Mew the Cat 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Mirage the Unicorn 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9489 1961 1248 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9568 1993 1272 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9647 2026 1296 187 40
Nightshade 80 Passive 0 0 9727 2059 1321 187 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2150 1069 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2173 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2184 1082 154 40
Reanimated Man 80 Passive 0 0 7085 2194 1082 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2375 1248 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2414 1272 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2454 1296 154 40
Shadow 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2495 1321 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7638 2159 1507 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7701 2195 1536 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7765 2231 1566 154 40
Silhouette 80 Passive 0 0 7829 2268 1596 154 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5737 2380 1825 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5784 2420 1860 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5832 2460 1896 198 40
Soulless 80 Passive 0 0 5880 2501 1933 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6053 2646 2006 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6120 2705 2059 198 40
Spectral Lord 80 Passive 0 0 6187 2765 2113 198 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4740 1961 1248 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4779 1993 1272 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4818 2026 1296 154 40
Unicorn Seraphim 80 Passive 0 0 4858 2059 1321 154 40

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